Growth Hub Future Shape and Governance Setting the scene Chris Garcia
The LEP’s Growth Hub We’ve consulted widely (a series of events and direct feedback) Looked at practice elsewhere Carefully considered the lessons learnt from the current Growth Hub (more on this shortly) We have only just now got a contract from Govt and funding The LEP sees the Growth Hub as its interface with business Today I’ll share with you where we’ve got to and set the scene
Just to recap Growth Hub Publicly funded Business Support Private sector Business Support
Business Support – where are we now nationally In Small Business: GREAT Ambition (December 2013), Government committed to making it easier for businesses to get the right support at the right time. Two offers from Government to business: – Government’s offer to all small and medium sized businesses: the website together with the Business Support Helpline, providing a one stop shop for all business support. This includes a diagnostic tool (My Business Support) helping businesses find the support they need, and the opportunity to webchat with advisers from the Helpline. – Government’s offer targeted at businesses with the greatest potential to contribute to economic growth: the Business Growth Service, which brings together the right expertise to help businesses fulfil their growth potential.
Growth Hub - the new concept Ministers have identified a clear role for growth hubs alongside the two national offers: Simplifying and rationalising business support in local areas, and ensuring that national and local support offers are joined up for businesses. A single access point for business support, bringing together both Government offers and local offers, so businesses get what they need wherever they start their journey. Bringing together public and private sector support, for example that offered by local authorities, universities, chambers of commerce and enterprise agencies.
Peninsula City Deal Growth Hub
Growth Hub – the new concept
The ‘cheeseboard /cheeseholder’ model Branding: ‘Growth Hub’ Awareness raising CRM and demand / business intelligence in place, to facilitate co- ordination Business advisors to proactively reach out to business based around the Innovation Centres and work collaboratively; Telephone service; A simple website to promote various support packages available; Follow up support. Supply side meetings to be organised Co-ordinated with neighbouring LEPs
Business Support - is the Cheese
What will we be measured on re Hub: Local partnerships Governance, sustainability & deliverability Signposting and diagnosis Local & national integration Rationalisation and simplification Performance and evaluation
What have we contracted to do Build on the legacy from our City Deal Transition from existing provision to a new service to be live from 1 Jan 2016 Re-procure this new service under public sector and European regulations Note - not all elements of current 14/15 Growth Hub activity will transition into the new procurement (ie its only the cheeseboard)
What does this mean in practice Q1 2015/16 – continued previous Growth Hub Q2 and Q3 – a transition service to inc core (cheeseboard) functions. Our (open) tender out in May. Mapping and simplification work starts. Note - TUPE will apply Q4 – Re-procured Hub in place inc – Website/telephone/ support/ the one door/no wrong door for businesses looking for business support. – Start-up workshops/ clinics (this will not include coaching or mentoring but necessary information for aspiring start-ups and signposting to other services) – Partnerships/facilitation support, working with national and local delivery partners. – 6 FTE business Advisors working across innovation centres and rural areas, organising clinics and ensuring join up with other delivery
Business Support priorities (the cheeses) Mapping – Supply – Intelligence on demand – Stakeholders and partners LEP’s Business leadership group provides governance ESIF area committee advises DCLG who issue calls (2 already) LEP will continue to facilitate
Key questions for procurement of Hub Q4 onwards a)Do we need to tailor the aims of the Growth Hub? b)Who has the insight and expertise to guide the LEP on the Hub’s development? c)How to engage with businesses that don’t typically engage? d)How can the Hub guide on Business Support priorities?