HTML5 Rob Larsen /downloads/html5.ppt
History HTML 1.0 Never really existed. Nothing to see here.
History HTML RFC
History HTML 3.2 January 1997 Hello W3C
History HTML 4.0 December 1997 “Modern” HTML. Many people still use this exclusively
History XHTML 1.0 January 2000 What the cool kids use
History January 2000 – NOW Drama, dark ages, browser wars. “Ajax” makes HTML+CSS+JavaScript cool
History But Wait! In 2004 the WHATWG was formed in response to the slow development of web standards monitored by the W3C.W3C –The Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group, or WHATWG, is a community of people interested in evolving HTML and related technologies. The WHATWG was founded by individuals from Apple, the Mozilla Foundation and Opera Software.[1] Since then, the editor of the WHATWG specifications, Ian Hickson, has moved to Google.HTML AppleMozilla FoundationOpera Software[1] Ian HicksonGoogle –The WHATWG has a small, invitation-only steering committee called “Members”, which has the power to impeach the editor of the specifications. Anyone can participate as a Contributor by joining the WHATWG mailing list. (from wikipedia )
The Future HTML5 “HTML5 is a new version of HTML4, XHTML1, and DOM Level 2 HTML addressing many of the issues of those specifications while at the same time enhancing (X)HTML to more adequately address Web applications. Besides defining a markup language that can be written in both HTML (HTML5) and XML (XHTML5) it also defines many APIs that form the basis of the Web architecture. Some of these APIs were known as "DOM Level 0" and were never documented before. Yet they are extremely important for browser vendors to support existing Web content and for authors to be able to build Web applications. “ Full of unicorns and rainbows. Features are being implemented right now. XHTML2.0 is dead. Dead as Dillinger. –This caused even more drama – – And then “joy”:
What’s Cool? New, semantic elements (,,,,, elements and methods Custom attributes Much, much, much more Offline cache, drag/drop, editable content with new editing API, undo, cross document messaging, great new form enhancements, etc. etc. etc.
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