Oakey Neighbourhood Information Session Thursday 13 th December 2012, 5.30pm
What is AFFF? Aqueous Film Forming Foam. is used to assist with fire fighting activities. AFFF products have been used in the community and Defence for decades. AFFF contains Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFC’s) - Perfluorooctane Sulphonate and Perflurooctanoic Acid (PFOS/PFOA). The 3M Company was the primary manufacturer of PFOS – up until in 2002 when production ceased.
What is PFOS/PFOA? PFOS and PFOA are man-made fluorinated chemicals. Lipid-repellent and water-repellent characteristics provide soil, oil and water resistance to a wide range of products: carpets and textiles, paper and packaging, coatings, industrial and household cleaning products. PFOS and PFOA are chemically and biologically stable. They are resistant to breakdown by sunlight and water. Persistent in the environment..
PFCs appear to originate from historical and current leaking underground infrastructure, and probably from practice deployment during drills Current investigations show is in the groundwater within the boundaries of the Oakey base Further testing being done to validate previous test results Tests indicate levels of AFFF are nearing adopted guidelines, therefore doing neighbourly duty in informing community What is the situation at AACO? Base is connected to the town water supply in 19??. Environmental investigations commenced in 2010 to define potential contamination. PFOS/PFOA were identified in 2011 in groundwater. Defence historically used the groundwater for irrigation purposes and filling of the pool. Since ceased. PFOS pool samples = 8.5 µg/L Indicative Human Health Risk Assessment (IHHRA).
Inferred Groundwater Gradient Map - Groundwater Elevation Contours, AACO
Inferred PFOS Concentration Contours Groundwater – Upper Aquifer, AACO
Proposed Groundwater Bore Sampling Locations – December GME 2012
What does this mean for you? Health risk from pool = Low There is no acute level of health risk from skin exposure. The health risk from oral exposure is based on general exposure assumptions from enHealth Stockholm Convention May 2009, recognised as Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP)
What Happens Next? Defence Continued environmental investigations. Environmental investigations outcomes - Inputs to HHRA Specialised water treatment plant to clean pool water. Defence will keep you informed. Neighbour The risk is low. Bore water use not for drinking. Bore water for irrigation continue
Environmental Guidelines for Management of Fire Fighting Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) Products – Department of Defence, June 2007 Emerging Contaminants - Perfluorooctane Sulphonate (PFOS) and Perflurooctanoic Acid (PFOA), USEPA, May 2012 NICIC 2006/122/EC of The European Parliament and of the Council Hazard Assessment of Perfluorooctane Sulphonate (PFOS) and its salts, ENV/JM/RD(2002)17/Final, OECD Further Information?
Please direct further enquires to: Mark O'Connell Base Support Manager - Darling Downs Defence Support & Reform Group Building B45 Swartz Barracks OAKEY QLD 4401 Tel: (07) Fax: (07) Mob: