“Justice Community Response to Underage Drinking” Cobb Alcohol Taskforce Kennesaw State University Ronald E. Bogle Superior Court Judge (Retired)


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Presentation transcript:

“Justice Community Response to Underage Drinking” Cobb Alcohol Taskforce Kennesaw State University Ronald E. Bogle Superior Court Judge (Retired)

Why should you care? Why should you care?

“Alcohol use during adolescence is pervasive, and science makes clear that the effects on young people can be profound.” RADM Steven K. Galson, M.D. U.S. Surgeon General March 24, 2008

Fruits of National Complacency About Underage Drinking 53% of the nation’s alcoholics are identified as young people, pre-teen to age 26. National Institute On Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA, 2008)

National “Call to Action” “We can no longer ignore what alcohol is doing to our children.” RADM Kenneth Moritsugu, M.D. U.S. Surgeon General March 6, 2007

Alcohol and Public Health Alcohol is an addictive drug. Alcohol is an addictive drug. Alcohol kills more teens than all other drugs combined Alcohol kills more teens than all other drugs combined Alcohol use is the third-leading preventable cause of death in the U.S., causing more than 100,000 deaths annually. Alcohol use is the third-leading preventable cause of death in the U.S., causing more than 100,000 deaths annually. 190,000 hospital emergency department visits by underage drinkers in ,000 hospital emergency department visits by underage drinkers in Alcohol use is directly related to more than 60 medical conditions, and associated with more than 200 others. Alcohol use is directly related to more than 60 medical conditions, and associated with more than 200 others.

Alcohol and Public Health Alcohol is the most commonly used and abused drug among youth. Alcohol is the most commonly used and abused drug among youth. For the still-developing teen body, there is no level of safe drinking. For the still-developing teen body, there is no level of safe drinking. Teen alcohol use carries long-term health risks. Teen alcohol use carries long-term health risks. Problematic teen alcohol consumption is not a benign condition that resolves with age. Problematic teen alcohol consumption is not a benign condition that resolves with age.

“You are changing the wiring of the brain with repeated alcohol exposure during adolescence.” Dr. Scott Schwartzwelder Duke University Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science

“Alcohol is a very potent depressant that goes everywhere and affects every system. It affects every neurochemical system in the brain.” Dr. Marc Schuckit Editor, Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs

When considering alcohol’s harm to the individual user, along with the user’s harm to the environment around them, alcohol is the most harmful and lethal drug. Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs (2010)

Alcohol and Collegians Alcohol-related deaths and poisoning are at record levels. Alcohol-related deaths and poisoning are at record levels. Alcohol-related ‘blackouts’ common among collegians. Alcohol-related ‘blackouts’ common among collegians. 600,000 alcohol-related injuries annually. 600,000 alcohol-related injuries annually. 97,000 alcohol-related sexual assaults on collegiate women reported annually. 97,000 alcohol-related sexual assaults on collegiate women reported annually. 700,000 alcohol-related assaults reported annually. 700,000 alcohol-related assaults reported annually. 90% of sexual assaults on collegiate women involve alcohol as a factor. 90% of sexual assaults on collegiate women involve alcohol as a factor. Impaired driving rates among collegians rising. Impaired driving rates among collegians rising. 11% of collegians report they damaged property while under the influence of alcohol. 11% of collegians report they damaged property while under the influence of alcohol. 5% are involved with police or campus security because of drinking, and 110,000 are arrested for alcohol-related violations. 5% are involved with police or campus security because of drinking, and 110,000 are arrested for alcohol-related violations. 80% of collegians drink, and 45% are binge drinkers. 80% of collegians drink, and 45% are binge drinkers. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

Teenage girls (7 th to 12 th grade) are now outpacing boys in the consumption of alcohol. American Medical Association

Binge Drinking 90 % of alcohol consumed by teens occurs while binge drinking. Reducing Underage Drinking: A Collective Responsibility National Institute of Medicine (IOM)

18 to 24-year old binge drinkers average four (4) binges per month and 10 drinks per binge. National Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

“We do not consider binge drinking at any level safe. It is a huge public health problem.” Thomas Frieden, MD, MPH Director, Centers for Disease Control

Sobering Statistics Alcohol – a frequent Partner in Crime and High-Risk Behaviors

Alcohol is a leading factor 67% of domestic violence 67% of domestic violence 62% of assaults 62% of assaults 54% of murders/attempted murder 54% of murders/attempted murder 48% of robberies 48% of robberies 44% of burglaries 44% of burglaries 66% of child abuse 66% of child abuse 75% of date rape 75% of date rape 90% of sexual assaults on coeds 90% of sexual assaults on coeds

Alcohol-related car crashes kill more people ages 16 to 20 than any other age group. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)

Underage Drinking and the role of the Justice Community

Best Practice As the nation’s worst drug problem, the criminal justice community must treat underage drinking with the seriousness it deserves.

Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation Judicial-Probation Project Beltsville Drive, Suite 900 Calverton, MD

Contact Information Ronald E. Bogle Superior Court Judge (Retired) Community Strategies Group 154 Lake Ellen Drive Chapel Hill, NC (919)