Texting While Driving By: Cody Klatt
O v e r b i l l i o n t e x t s a r e s e n t e a c h m o n t h T h e r e a r e o v e r m i l l i o n t e x t u s e r s. 7 9 % o f t h e U. S. o w n s a c e l l p h o n e a n d S M S ( S h o r t M e s s a g e S y s t e m ) i s a l r e a d y a v a i l a b l e o n o v e r 9 8 % o f t h e s e c e l l p h o n e s. S o m e F a c t s a b o u t T e x t i n g
Age statistics of People who Text Message 1. 19% are ages % are ages % are ages % are ages Median age: 38 49% Male/51% Female
Cell phones are becoming a huge problem with the number of people texting while driving. That’s why Governor Doyle passed this Bill (Assembly Bill 496) against texting-while- driving. The law will take effect Dec. 1 and makes Wisconsin the 25th state to pass similar legislation, according to the Governors Highway Safety Association. Penalties for sending text messages while driving will be $20 to $400 - the same as the penalties for inattentive driving. Assembly Bill 496
Texting while driving: How dangerous is it?
Cell Phone Tasks and Crash Risks Cell Phone Task Light Vehicle/Cars Dialing Cell Phone Talking/Listening to Cell Phone Reaching for object (i.e. electronic device and other) Text messaging Heavy Vehicles/Trucks Dialing Cell phone Talking/Listening to Cell Phone Use/Reach for electronic device Text messaging Risk of Crash or Near Crash Event 2.8 times as high as non ‐ distracted driving 1.3 times as high as non ‐ distracted driving 1.4 times as high as non ‐ distracted driving 20 times as high as non – distracted driving 5.9 times as high as non ‐ distracted driving 1.0 times as high as non ‐ distracted driving 6.7 times as high as non ‐ distracted driving 23.2 times as high as non ‐ distracted driving
J u s t t h i n k t h i s c o u l d b e y o u ! ! ! DO NOT TEXT WHILE DRIVING!
I hope you have learned that texting while driving is a very serious problem. EVERYONE needs to realize that it is an extremely dangerous habit that can have devastating results if one gets into an accident. I hope from this presentation you become a better more attentive driver than you were. If you have ever texted while driving, please stop, and think about the consequences.
Works Cited acts_about_text_messaging_.html?cat=9 receive-cell-phone-while.html ers/text%20messaging%20and%20grammar_Case%201 1.pdf
I hope you have learned that texting while driving is a very serious problem and YOU need to take action by setting an example to our younger generation that it is an extremely dangerous habit that can have devastating results if one does get into an accident. to be a better more attentive