ETA Environmental Health and Safety Monthly Metrics July, 2015
ETA Accidents- 7/15 TypeDateDivDescriptionSeverityStatus Chemical Contact 7/2/15ESDR Electrolyte solution came in contact with student’s left wrist during stress/strain test in First AidVisit to clinic. Accident investigation completed. Set- up modified.
ETA Accidents- By Type
ETA Accidents- Severity
Emergency Incidents- 7/15 DateIncidentAreaStatus There were no ETA-related emergency incidents in July 2015.
Ergonomic Assessments- By Month
Open EETD Ergonomic Assessments Date Requested Dept.TypeStatus 7/28/15EAEIDiscomfortActions Pending 7/27/15EAEIDiscomfortAssigned 4/14/15EAEIPreventativeActions Pending
ETA Incomplete Training Assignments
Training % Completion Status
Incomplete Training by Course Type (Total Incomplete Assignments = 89 )
Training Assignments Due (Total = 89) Open Assignments by DivisionOpen Assignments by Hire Date
ETA Training Assignments Due
ETA “Activity Manager” Set-up Status (104 Total Work Activities)
ETA “Activity Manager” Assignments ETA Total Personnel- 698
Electrical Equipment Inspection Failure Status (Red Dot) Equipment listed in the EEIP database as “failed” and requires repair prior to use.
ETA Failed Electrical Equipment Status (7/31/15) BarcodeBuildingRoomEquipment NameResponsible PersonDIV PumpDestaillats, HugoEAEI F101MFC PumpHotchi, ToshifumiEAEI EmittersIain WalkerBTUS Power SourceMaddalena, RandyEAEI AC Line ConditionerMaddalena, RandyEAEI Transistorized Power SupplyMaddalena, RandyEAEI AC Power Source 400-5DMaddalena, RandyEAEI BlowerMaddalena, RandyEAEI F101AethalometerSinger, BrettEAEI Turbine Meter ReadoutTherkelsen, PeterBTUS Power SupplyTherkelsen, PeterBTUS
Corrective Action Reports (CATS)- 7/15 CAT #DateDescriptionLeadStatus 96757/29/14Seismically secure the laser table near the entrance. DOE assessment follow-up item. X. MaoFacilities work request submitted for installation. Waiting for brackets to be installed /17/15Transfer of ownership for existing radiation authorization when PI retires M. Foure/ R. Scholtz Determining if HR exit checkout sheet can be modified to more clearly account for change in ownership for safety items. Need DSC sign-off /31/15Waste acid container not properly labeled or capped. SAA inspection item. G. LiuBottle properly labeled, capped, and placed into SAA. Need to have picked up for disposal /31/15Bag of contaminated wipes/gloves not properly identified as hazardous waste. SAA inspection item. E. CairnsSafety Alert issued regarding proper identification of wastes. Extra training planned.
Audits and Inspection Status- 7/15 TypeDateLeadStatus Quarterly SAA Inspections 7/30/15R. ScholtzCompleted City of Berkeley Hazardous Waste Inspection 6/8/15Waste Management Group Completed
SAA Overall Compliance
SAA Issues by Quarter
Cumulative SAA Issues (FY Q1 ’12 – Q4 ‘15)
Significant Safety Achievements- 7/15 Activity Manager system implementation is basically complete. –A total of 104 work activities have been generated for ETA. –Zero ETA personnel remain in the old JHA system –All Activity Hazard Documents (AHD) have been closed –7 work activities remain in EHS collaboration. All relate to ETA lab work that is not yet being performed. The quarterly Satellite Accumulation Area hazardous waste inspections were completed on 7/30/15. Lab area chemical clean-outs continue. This month’s activity was in Chemicals in and were relocated to the new B33 JCESR lab area. The B solvent closet chemical storage cabinet upgrade was completed. Storage quantities were also greatly reduced. The following Safety Alerts were issued: –Compressed gas cylinder storage –Fluorescent light bulb disposal –Non-hazardous wipe disposal
Short Term Safety Outlook 8/15 Complete the final 7 Work Activities pending in EHS collaboration. Complete the Glove Box Operation Self-Assessment project report for submittal. Complete an old chemical/sample clean-out in the lab area. Work has started. Continue to address ETA equipment on the electrical equipment “fail” list Assist with the set-up for new lab areas B33 JCESR, and B60 test chambers. Start the chemical spill cleanup self-assessment project. A proto- type spill kit has been developed for review.