The Kent Card Supporting Direct Payments Jean Penney - Project Manager, Independent Living - KCC
Background Started with a vision about the future of social care and the use of technology Introduction of Direct Payments Barriers to Direct Payments -complex record keeping -auditing of accounts -difficulty opening bank accounts
Future direction of Social Care Your Health, Your Care, Your Say Kent Adult Social Services - Active Lives
Work with the Royal Bank of Scotland Statement of requirements First pre-loaded card for Direct Payments Developing the Kent Card
How does the Kent Card work? Tool to support Direct Payments Commercial Visa Card that carries variable amounts of money Purchase amount debited from available balance
Individuals:- Complete a Kent Card application form with a KCC Officer Top up the card account Make cash withdrawals at ATMs Use telephone and internet banking Receive monthly statements View statements on-line or at ATMs Nominate a secondary cardholder to support them in use of the card
Benefits for individuals Convenient and secure way of receiving funds Reduces dependency Increases choice and control for more individuals Faster and easier access to a separate account Produces an audit trail and reduces bureaucracy
Kent County Council Completes Kent Card application form - including Know Your Customer Checks KCC Administrator processes applications Loads the account with the direct payment Controls spend with blocking facilities - if appropriate Provides 24/7 support from KCC Contact Centre Audits financial management of direct payment on-line
KCC Investment Set-up cost per card - £15 Annual charge - £25 24/7 support line Staffing resources
Benefits to KCC Making Direct Payments more attractive to more people Reduces administration and bureaucracy Uses technology as a means to an end Supporting personalised support agenda
Investment for Providers New Merchant set-up fees - £150 Terminal Rental - approximately £20 per month Card Transaction Charge - approximately 2%
Supporting Providers Until 30th May, KCC are paying the new merchant set up costs For the first year, KCC will pay 1% of the merchant handling charge
Where are we to date? 50 providers accept VISA or are in the process of setting up (31%) 25 stated they are very interested and looking into it further (16%) 51 have requested an information pack - most to be followed up in the next 2 weeks 35 declined or feel it is not currently viable to set up (12%)
Benefits for Providers More people purchasing their own support and seeking easy payment processes Competitive advantage by accepting Visa and the Kent Card Payment within 4 days
On going work Compliance with Financial Services Authority requirements -Know Your Customer Care Management buy-in Client buy-in Take up by providers Paying individuals - i.e personal assistants
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