Nutrition cum day care centre Health &Nutrition unit SERP
Discussion points
What do you mean by nutrition centre?
What do you mean by Nutrition cum day care centre?
What is your vision about nutrition cum day care centre?
What is expected from a nutrition cum day care centre?
What changes you would like to see in the village?
How many of the nutrition cum day care centres in your mandal reached the expectations?
How did you say that?
Any indicator to measure? If yes, how do measure its progress?
How frequently do you need to measure?
Once in a year / month/fortnight/week/ daily?
Who will measure?
Are you measuring? If so where is it recorded? Do you have any ready reckner?
If so tell me 1.How many VOs have Nutrition centres/extended with day centres? 2.How many beneficiaries are enrolled? –Pregnant women – Daughters/daughter-in-laws. –Lactating mothers –Children : < 2 yrs; 2-5 yrs 3.How many pregnant women had diet continuously for : –2 nd & 3 rd tri-misters –3 rd tri-mister only 4.How many women gained 10-12Kgs weight during pregnancy? 5.How many deliveries had so far? –Institution –Attended by trained personnel 6.How many are normal deliveries/caesarian/complications?
Tell me about children 1.How many are born with 2.7 to 3Kgs birth weight? 2.How many are born with > 3Kgs birth weight? 3.How many children had complete immunization by 1 year of age? 4.How many children born are in normal grade? 5.How many children born are in severe grades of malnutrition?
Do you have consolidation for the entire mandal?
If yes, Congratulations!
If no, give me the rationale. Is it beyond your control?
Do you have anything more to say about MIS? Do you have anything more to say about MIS?
Thank you