Swiss - Latvian Cooperation Programme NGO Fund Evaluation of the Grant Scheme Sandra Rieksta Deputy Director Society Integration Foundation
Contents 1)Statistical information 2)Impact on target groups 3)Sustainability of projects 4)Recommendations 2
Key Facts Aim: promote contribution of civil society into reduction of economic and social disparities by supporting NGO activities that improve the quality of life for children, youth and elderly people. Target groups: socially and economically disadvantaged children and young people; elderly people; NGOs working with the respective target groups. Total financing: CHF Implementation period: April 2010 – April 2013 Number of projects: 62 projects, including: 41 micro projects ( CHF, grant 95% of total eligible costs); 21 macro projects ( CHF, grant 90% of total eligible costs). Grant scheme evaluation: performed by DEA Baltika, March-June
Target Groups Direct target groups: socially and economically disadvantaged children and young people (70% of the total amount) elderly people (30%) 191 NGOs working with the above- mentioned target groups Indirect target groups: Parents and family members (>318) Teachers (>392) Social field specialists (70) Volunteers (126) Projects by target groupsChildren and young people 4
Regional Coverage Target groups by geographical distribution Projects by geographical distribution Programme financing per regionsProgramme financing per capita 5
Partnerships Number of partners: 57 other associations and foundations 68 public administration institutions 19 partners from Switzerland (18 NGOs and 1 educational establishment) Number of projects: 6
Project Activities For target groups: Development and improvement of social services Informal education activities Inclusive cultural and leisure time activities Active aging and health improving measures for elderly people Training for social field specialists Informative materials For NGOs: Capacity strengthening activities Improvement of technical resources 7
Impact on Children and Young People
Impact on Elderly People 9
Impact on NGOs 10
Sustainability Improved regulations (amendments in the regulation of the Riga Council regarding group home services for young orphans with mental disabilities) Improved skills of social workers and other social field specialists Developed programmes and informative materials Improved technical resources of NGOs for provision of services to their target groups Improved self-help skills of the target groups Improved support systems for the target groups (assistant services for people with mental disabilities) Promoted «person to person» approach thus fostering development of civil society 11
Recommendations of Project Promoters Support development of new social services Delegate more tasks of public administration to the non- governmental sector Continue co-operation with organisations from the donor state Replace co-funding of project promoters by in-kind contribution (voluntary work) Prolong implementation period of projects Expand areas of support Expand target groups Support informal education activities for children and teenagers 12
Recommendations of Evaluators Continue a similar grant scheme maintaining its current set-up Base future grant schemes on a more detailed needs analysis of the target groups Diversify activities for target groups Continue co-operation with Swiss organisations Involve representatives of the target groups in implementation of project activities Expand co-operation with municipalities Ensure feedback from the supported NGOs Promote the results of the projects 13
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