SBS Program Management John J. LeRose SBS Collaboration Meeting October 18,
Recent Events October 1: The “Program” started – Project 1: SBS Basic (WBS 1) – Project 2: Neutron Form Factor (WBS 2) October 15: Sent the 1 st Monthly report to DOE – With Modified PMP Personnel shifts Schedule Shifts/Delays 2
WBS 1 (SBS basic) 48D48 Magnet transportation and modifications 48D48 Magnet assembly and support platform Magnet power supply and its associated infrastructure Beam-line vacuum and shielding components Beam-line steering magnets 3
WBS 1 Milestones ID #LevelMilestoneMilestoneDate M1Project startProject start10/1/ M2Magnet delivered to JLab4/30/ M2Platform parts received6/27/ M2Magnet assembled on platform3/19/ M2Beam-line parts received9/24/ M1Project completion1/29/2016
SBS Basic 5
6 WBS 2 (Neutron Form Factor) Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) tracking detectors (UVa), 29 modules Front-end and data-acquisition electronics (UVa) to accompany these modules Electronics Hut, Detector Frames, and Materials needed to construct the Lead Tube Shielding, and the Lead Tube Platform for the beamline Coordinate Detector
WBS 2 Milestones ID #LevelMilestoneMilestoneDate M1Project startProject start10/1/ M2UVa receives GEM parts7/22/ M2UVa receives electronics parts8/20/ M 2 UVa GEM modules assembled and tested 10/17/ M2Coordinate Detector Assembled11/17/ M 2 UVa front-end electronics assembled and tested 2/2/ M10 2 WBS 2.3 completed (Electronics Hut Assembled etc.) 10/5/ M1Project completion1/29/2016
Neutron Form Factor 8
9 Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) tracking detectors (UVa) (35 modules) Front-end and Data Acquisition Electronics to accompany these GEM modules (UVa) Trigger (RU) Pole shims (JLab) Exit field clamp (JLab) WBS 3 (Proton Form Factor)
10 ID #LevelMilestoneMilestoneDate M1Project startProject start10/1/ M2UVa receives parts for GEM modules8/20/ M2UVa begins assembly of electronics1/5/ M2RU begins trigger design1/6/ M2UVa electronics assembly and tests completed7/20/ M2JLab receives pole shims8/22/ M2JLab receives exit field clamp8/22/ M2RU completes trigger12/1/ M2UVa GEM modules assembled (and tested)2/2/ M1Project completion7/31/2017 WBS 3 Milestones
Proton Form Factor 11
Communications with DOE! The JLab SBS management team will provide a monthly status update to the DOE SC Office of Nuclear Physics via . Written status reports will be developed by the JLab Program Manager on a quarterly basis and submitted to JLab senior management as well as the DOE-NP Instrumentation Program Manager. JLab, in coordination with the DOE SC Office of Nuclear Physics, will convene external review panels annually to evaluate progress. In the event of any serious problems in the interim, e.g., a detector performance issue, additional appropriate reviews would be convened by JLab. SBS Program Team meetings will be held regularly to keep collaborators informed of progress and problems.
The Monthly Report Executive summary of the “projects” Management Highlights WBS 1 – Work breakdown structure – Milestones (scheduled, expected, achieved) – Project oversight – WBS 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 progress problems – Costs WBS 2 (ditto) WBS 3 (ditto) This year no progress, problems, or costs October 15 report is already 7 pages (nothing really to report except that we started)
Summary As a DOE “object”, we’ve just started. – Ironing out how we report Budgets are a challenge – Moving targets 2016 Ready for Neutron Form Factor expt. – Budget willing! 2017 Ready for Proton Form Factor expt. – Budget willing! As you will see today and tomorrow, there is much that is part of SBS but not part of “The SBS Program” 14
Things that aren’t in “The SBS Program” BigBite Gas Cerenkov INFN GEM’s Hcal Ecal Polarized 3 He Target … 15