Georgia S., Marina R., Aniela M., Tyler T., Nathan M.
Cities and Regions The capital city of Hawaii is Honolulu. Some of the major cities are Molokai, Lanai, and Oahu. The region in the U.S is the North Pacific.
The population of Hawaii is really big, it is 1,360,301. The nickname of Hawaii is the Aloha State.
STATE FLAG, STATE BIRD, AND STATE TREE The state bird is a Nene. It’s a Hawaiian goose. The state tree is called a Kukui. The state flag looks like this….
Hawaii has volcano peaks. If you hike down the east side you'd be in the rain forest.
HISTORY Hawaii became a state on August 21 st, Hawaii’s location is on the Pacific Ocean. Hawaii plays a mayor role in U.S. military planning.
ECONOMY/INDUSTRIES: JOBS/PRODUCTS Living in Hawaii is very expensive, since people must sometimes import necessities like food and agriculture related things. To help affect the coasts, small manufacturing plants and farms produce some items locally for the islands.
POPULAR ATTRACTIONS AND SPORTS TEAMS Some popular attractions in Hawaii are Alaska Falls and Pearl Harbor. Basketball is a popular sport played in Hawaii.
FAMOUS PEOPLE AND COLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES One famous person was King Kamehameha; he was famous for uniting the islands in Two universities in Hawaii are The University of Hawaii at Monoa and The Argosy University.
RESOURCES USED America the Beautiful: Hawaii World Atlas