International Relations The South African/Boer War.


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Presentation transcript:

International Relations The South African/Boer War

British Subjects: In the late 19th and early 20th century, the majority of Canadians were of British decent Many felt a strong kinship to Great Britain Canadians were British subjects and an important part of their world empire Canada and the British Empire

Canadiens French Canadians felt no such connection to the British or its empire They had been isolated from Europe since before the British “Conquest” beginning in 1759

Imperial Entanglements Though Canada was a self-governing dominion within the British Empire, there was danger of getting caught up in conflicts with little or nothing to do with Canada A global empire had to maintain itself against: Rebels Other imperial powers

The South African War Also known as the Boer War Was the first time Canada officially dispatched troops to an overseas war

Boer War: Origins In 1899 fighting erupted between Great Britain and the Boers The Boers (or Afrikaaners) were descendants of early Dutch settlers and had won the right to self- government (under British rule) in Southern Africa

Boer War: Origins In 1885 gold is discovered in Transvaal, one of the Boer republics British investors flooded in and the Boers restricted their rights Investors and British residents of the Transvaal hoped Britain would intervene

Boer War: Origins In 1895, a British businessman Cecil Rhodes financed an attempt to seize control of the Transvaal during the “Jamestown Raid” It failed, but the Boers feared the British would try again, possibly with the help of the British army

Anglo-Boer War In 1899, fearing the British were seeking war, the Boers attacked and forced the British to suffer a number of setbacks

Canada’s Role Britain called on the Empire for help PM Laurier is torn between two impossible positions: 1. Support Britain and lose all support in Quebec 2. Avoid committing Canada and enrage British/English Canada

Laurier’s Compromise Laurier agreed to send volunteers, providing that Britain paid their expenses 7,000 Canadian soldiers (including 12 female nurses) served in Southern Africa over a 3 year period

War Continues In 1900 the tide of battle turned, British forces took control of most Boer territories The superior British military forced the Boers to turn to guerrilla tactics (war of ambush and retreat) The British eventually defeated the Boers by not allowing sympathetic farmers to give them food, water, or lodging They moved civilians to internment camps, and burned Boer houses and farms

Opposition to the War Opposition to the war in Canada was strongest in Quebec Henri Bourassa, a former Laurier supporter and Liberal MP, resigned over the war and was re- elected as an independent In his newspaper “Le Devoid” he opposed the war and argues for a nationalist policy for the country

Results The war ended with the Treaty of Veeriningen A direct result of the war was the founding of South Africa- a country that would be dominated by the large Boer population Canadian soldiers fought bravely and were commended for their abilities 267 Canadians were killed in the Boer War