NETLIPSE Network for the dissemination of knowledge on the management and organisation of Large Infrastructure Projects in Europe Leendert Bouter and Marcel Hertogh Zurich, 20 October 2008
This presentation is on: 1.NETLIPSE Goals 2.From Turin to Zurich 3.Sheets on the Wall
NETLIPSE Goal 1 GOALS Research: Best Practises and Lessons Learnt
The Projects Projects (modality): 1.Betuweroute ((rail) 2.Ring road Bratislava (road) 3.Gotthard Base Tunnel (rail) 4.HSL-South (rail) 5.Lezíria Bridge (road) 6.Lisbon – Porto (rail) 7.Lötschberg Base Tunnel (rail) 8.Maaswerken (water) 9.Motorway A2 (road) 10.Motorway A4 (road) 11.Motorway E18 (road) 12.Nuremberg – Ingolstadt (rail) 13.Øresund bridge (road & rail) 14.Unterinntalbahn (rail) 15.West Coast Mainline (rail)
Book, published June 2008 Book Managing Large Infrastructure Projects ‘Research on best practices and lessons learnt in large infrastructure project in Europe’ Containing: -NETLIPSE project overview -Main findings -Best practises & Lessons learnt -Future activities and goals ISBN available at
NETLIPSE Goal 2 GOALS Research: Best Practises and Lessons Learnt IPAT
IPAT: Infrastructure Project Assessment Tool
NETLIPSE Goal 3 GOALS Research: Best Practises and Lessons Learnt IPAT Dissemination Network
Network Meetings and Newsletters February 2009 #5
From Turin to Zurich … Turin … what happened?
NETLIPSE 1 Contract We submitted all deliverables and all reports, on time! And now … we have been waiting for approval and payment. EC Deadline for approval: end of October.
European Commission Annual Call for Proposals 2008 CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2008 EUROPEAN COMMISSION TRANS-EUROPEAN TRANSPORT NETWORK Annual Programme Multi-Annual Work Programme Call May 2008 Appl. June 2008 Contract? March 2009
European Commission Annual Call for Proposals 2008 Overall administrationActivity 5 Developing Training ProgrammesActivity 4 Developing the Infrastructure Project Assessment Tool (IPAT)Activity 3 Expanding the NETLIPSE network and knowledge exchangeActivity 2 Establishing the FoundationActivity 1 Activity titleNo. Overall administrationActivity 5 Developing Training ProgrammesActivity 4 Developing the Infrastructure Project Assessment Tool (IPAT)Activity 3 Expanding the NETLIPSE network and knowledge exchangeActivity 2 Establishing the FoundationActivity 1 Activity titleNo. NETLIPSE Proposal : 1. IPAT assessors 2. Mgt. of LIPS
NETLIPSE Partners (annual call) 1.Ministry of Transport The Netherlands 2.Department for Transport United Kingdom 3.AT Osborne B.V. The Netherlands 4.National Laboratory for Civil Engineering Portugal 5.Road and Bridge Research Institute Poland 6.UNECE TEM Project United Nations 7.Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH Zürich Switzerland 8.ProRail The Netherlands 9.Transumo The Netherlands 10.KPC GmbH Switzerland 11.University of Kassel Germany 12.Erasmus University Rotterdam The Netherlands 13.Maribor University Slovenia 14.Politecnico di Milano Italy 15.Femern Baelt A/S Denmark 16.Aalborg University Denmark 17.Rijkswaterstaat Maaswerken The Netherlands 18.ESC Lille France You too can become a partner!
NETLIPSE Promotion to interest partners (1) European Investment Bank, EIB, 11 July EC, DG Region, 25 September
NETLIPSE Promotion to interest partners (2) Davis Langdon, London, 8 October Olympic Delivery Authority, London, 7, 8 October
Presentations (1) Barcelona, July: Transfin Congress. Presentation and workshop Vienna, May: Presentation Happy Projects Congress
Presentations (2) Trondheim, 25, 26 Sept.: Governance of Major Investment Projects Lille, 22 August: 9 Project Management schools
Presentations (3) Rome, 8-11 November: IPMA World Congress, presentation and paper. EC, TEN-T Days, Brussels, October, Workshop
3.Without you, no NETLIPSE! Sheets on the wall: 1.Subjects that interest me are: 2.Interesting ways to participate in NETLIPSE are: 3.Special Interest Groups: should be organised as: I would like the following role: 4.I expect to meet* at NETLIPSE Network Meetings: 5.Interview me* for the next NETLIPSE newsletter on: 6.Room for comments