National Quality Standards Framework for Volunteer Led Youth Groups (NQSFVLYG) An introduction for IGG Units
NQSF - Background Introduced by Dept of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) in 2011 Youth work organisations provide quality services to young people Support and development tool for youth work Provide the opportunity for youth organisations to articulate their youth work, and provide a structured framework for review and assessment of our work and to assist with continuous development
Rationale for NQSF Establish standards in the practice and provision of youth work Provide an enhanced evidence base for Youth Work Ensure resources are used effectively in the youth work sector Provide a basis for ‘whole organisation assessment’
NQSFVLYG Introduction for all Youth Groups Presented to groups at ground level through the Education and Training Boards( formerly VEC) 3 Core Principles / Indicators for each of these. Young Person Centred Safety and Well Being Developmental and Educational
Aim of NQSFVLYG To afford youth groups the opportunity to display their commitment to best practice and to the delivery of quality programmes and activities for young people. Improve the way programmes and activities are planned and delivered Provide the girls and young women the opportunity to have a say in the development of their unit Ensure safety and well being of all
Implementing and Achieving standards Annual Plan and Progress Report Part 1 & 2 1. Based on a model of ‘Plan, Act and Review’ 2. Part 1 Completed by the Volunteer Leader in consultation with young people. 3. Consult with Commissioner / RDO’s for assistance. Submitted on an annual basis e.g report submitted with 2014 application
Part 2 – Completed by the ETB Youth / Liaison Officer The Youth Officer / Liaison Officer may decide to do one of the following when completing section 2: 1.Discuss the submitted application form directly with the groups leaders 2.Carry out a visit 3.Link in with the signatory i.e. Commissioner
Who signs off on these forms? A commissioner must countersign this form prior to submission to ETB. Further information and advice may be obtained from IGG District or Area Commissioner Regional Development Officer Youth Officer Support Officer in National Office
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