An international comparison of the continuing professional development process (CPD) in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom Wendy Thompson, Therese.


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Presentation transcript:

An international comparison of the continuing professional development process (CPD) in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom Wendy Thompson, Therese Kairuz, Christy Noble and Clair Hughes. The University of Queensland, School of Pharmacy, Brisbane, QLD. INTRODUCTION and AIM The Pharmacy Board of Australia requires a minimum of 20 CPD credits over the registration years for renewal of registration (1,6). CPD frameworks have also been established in the UK and New Zealand in recent years. This study investigates established processes for the acquisition and documentation of CPD credit in the UK and New Zealand with the view to making recommendations to inform the conduct of the CPD process in Australia. METHOD A comparative online search of the websites of each of the registering authorities was conducted. Practice standards or guidelines related to registration or continuing professional development were identified, analysed and compared. DISCUSSION In summary, there is variation between the three countries in the amount and type of information provided about CPD requirements. RESULTS NEW ZEALAND UNITED KINGDOM AUSTRALIA The Pharmacy Council The General Pharmaceutical Council The Pharmacy Board of Australia Minimum Require- ments Minimum of 12 outcome credits over a 3-year period for recertification (2, 3). Minimum of nine CPD entries per year (4,5,7). 20 CPD credits are required by 30 Sept 2011, increasing to 30; 40 by Sept 2012/2013 respectively (1,6). Nature of credits CPD points range from “1” (occasional relevance to practice) through to “3” (considerable relevance to practice) (2,3). “An entry will contain information about one piece of learning and can start at any stage in the CPD cycle, but must end in evaluation” (5). There are 3 groups of CPD activities (6). Only 50% of CPD credits can be gained from Group 1 activities (information accessed without assessment) (6). Guidelines on how to record Examples of completed CPD recording sheets are on their website (3). Detailed guidance on how to record CPD activities is provided (5,7). Brief guidance on the recording of CPD (6). Contact: Wendy Thompson Further investigation into whether the provision of information will contribute to increasing pharmacists’ engagement in CPD activities should be undertaken. A PhD study will focus on this issue as well as the effectiveness of UQ assessment practices in providing a foundation for CPD in professional life. The General Pharmaceutical Council in the UK provided comprehensive guidance on the acquisition of CPD credit points and documentation (4,5,7) The Pharmacy Council of New Zealand made CPD points relevant to practice (2,3). The Pharmacy Board of Australia provided only limited information for pharmacists on CPD activities; this may impede pharmacist participation. A snapshot of The General Pharmaceutical Council website below, with some of the information that is available (7). REFERENCES 1)Continuing professional development registration standard. Pharmacy Board of Australia; [ 2011 Jan 20]; Available from: 2) Pharmaceutical Society of New Zealand. ENHANCE : Ensuring a Competent Pharmacy Profession. Pharmaceutical Society of New Zealand; 2010 [2011 Jan 20]; Available from: 3) Pharmacy council of New Zealand. Introduction and Policy 2007 [2011 Feb 01]; Available from 4) Standards for continuing professional development. General Pharmaceutical Council; 2010 [2011 Jan 20]; Available from: 5)Plan and Record: A guide to the GPhC’s requirements for undertaking and recording continuing professional development. General Pharmaceutical Council; [2011 Jan 24]; Available from: 6) Pharmacy Board of Australia. Guidelines on continuing professional development. [2011 Feb 01]; Available from: 7) General Pharmaceutical Council. Recording CPD [updated 2011; cited 2011 Apr 6]; Available from:.