Centre TIME Grenoble Ecole de Management March 17 th 2010 - Brussels Renforcement des CApacités des PArtenaires sociaux dans les bonnes pratiques pour.


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Presentation transcript:

Centre TIME Grenoble Ecole de Management March 17 th Brussels Renforcement des CApacités des PArtenaires sociaux dans les bonnes pratiques pour une meilleure intelligence économique TERritoriale CAPATER Project Promote territorial intelligence to better manage change impact on skills and jobs

CAPATER Project PROGRESS Promote exchange of good practices and innovative approaches among actors New Skills for New Jobs Manage social and economic impact on jobs and skills CAPATER  improve understanding of social partner role towards change anticipation at territorial level  leverage on good practices of territorial intelligence aiming at adapting skills to economic changeCAPATER  improve understanding of social partner role towards change anticipation at territorial level  leverage on good practices of territorial intelligence aiming at adapting skills to economic change

Project goals The aim of CAPATER is to enlarge social partners capability to leverage on good practices in order to better anticipate economic changes at territorial level contribute to local development This can be achieved through the following objectives: Looking for good practices in anticipating economic change Analyses those good practices and identify key learning's Spread these learning's among representatives of trade unions with a view towards their role in the actions presented Disseminate the lessons learnt to a wider public CAPATER Project

Project methodology Project methodology  Determine training objectives  Select topics to be discussed upon in the case studies  Involve experts in the research of examples of good practices of territorial intelligence  Case study research and analysis  Understand how each case study can address training objectives CAPATER Project

Results - Ten case studies and associated pedagogical note - A train-the-trainer session - Three pilot training sessions involving trade union representatives - An online pedagogical resource platform : A European seminar to disseminate project results CAPATER Project

Improve knowledge about what’s a territory and how you can anticipate change Understand how you can contribute to the economic development of your territory and play a role across traditional borderlines Develop a territorial culture, therefore looking beyond the company bounds Training objectives Increasing awareness of the importance of better knowing the environment Understanding what is at stake Looking at things with a wider perspective Being able to identify obstacles Increasing knowledge of available leverage actions Discussion of each case study aims at

Pedagogical approach - Introduction to regional and local structures, actors and existing leverage actions - Discussion of one or more case studies CAPATER - Group work to explore the role trade union representatives may have in the proposed action - Report and synthesis of action plans emerging from group work CAPATER Project

Train on how to develop territorial intelligence through practical examples Train on how to develop territorial intelligence through practical examples The territorial intelligence is about: 1. The deep and permanent knowledge of a territory 2. That enables to develop and anticipative action 3. Whose objective is to better adapt skills and jobs to economic change in a territory Aim Aim Improve attractiveness of territories and create better quality jobs by anticipating needs in terms of territorial skills and qualifications The thematic issue

Economic change : Economic change :  Restructuring/devitalisation  New activity development Virtuous circle Virtuous circle Anticipate and manage change by enabling emergence of added value activities and jobs and limiting negative consequences of restructuring The economic context Added value activities Added value jobs Attractive territories

Possible actions to improve territorial attractiveness Possible actions to improve territorial attractiveness Territorial intelligence actions Prospecting studies Skills mobility Innovation Not only technological Attractive territories Economic and social watch Promotion activities Territorial and sector level Resource sharing GPEC-T Support to SME Training Urbanism Networking

Well managing jobs on a territory CAPATER Cases CaszCountryTopic Dialogue Social Territorial FranceCreating a social dialogue culture Pole de Mobilité Régional FranceImplementing a GPEC at company level Facilitate mutual assistance to mobility at territorial level CCPGFranceExtend GPEC tool from company to territorial level Coordinate public support strucutres Manager’s Network ItalyDevelop informal networks of job offering Vinn SwedenPromote win-win practices: people, companies, territory

Well managing skills on a territory CAPATER Cases (contd) CaseCountryTopic AEPIFranceWhat’s a territory, its competences, stakeholders and and actors MIELECPolandManaging change Revitalise the territory taking into account local stakes (local competences, identity..) SERAING BelgiumConsidering the territory a marketing tool Developing a long term vision MINALOGICFranceAnticipate transformations through innovation BAASFranceShare competences and services to increase territorial competitiveness

Territoires attractifs Starting from different expectations of actors in a territory… Mobilize the different players on a common objective … through some territorial intelligence practices Attractive territories: a shared objective? Firms profitability competitiveness innovation CSR Local authorities, clusters, associations… attractiveness, social and economic progress Sustainable development Workers Competences and employability Well-being at work Life-work balance Friendly environment

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