Introduction To Psychology PSYC 201
A) Why study Psychology? ● It helps you to understand yourself, why do you do things that you do? ● Understand your relationship with and reaction to other people. ● Understand the connection between your brain and your body. ● Better understand the world in which we live in.
B) What is Psychology? ● Psychology’s main concern: Observable behavior and inner thoughts and feelings. ● That’s why we define Psychology as: The Scientific study of behavior and mental process.
The influence of Philosophy: The influence of Physiology:
History Of Psychology German physiologist Wilhelm Wundt participates in an experiment in his laboratory as students look on. Courtesy of General Information Center
Wilhelm Wundt “The Founder Of Psychology” – Established first psychology laboratory
Psychoanalysis Developed by Sigmund Freud ( ) – Trained as a physician – Worked with patients with nervous disorders – Studied the role of unconscious conflicts in determining behavior and personality.
Behaviorism School of psychology and theoretical viewpoint that emphasize the study of observable behavior and not the mental process. Ivan Pavlov: B.F Skinner:
Physiologist Ivan Pavlov uses a dog to demonstrate the conditioned reflex to students at the Russian Military Medical Academy. © Bettmann/Corbis
Humanistic Psychology Founded by the American psychologist Carl Rogers. Humanistic psychology emphasized the importance of self-determination, free will, and human potential. Abraham Maslow developed a theory of motivation that emphasized psychological growth.
Special Areas in Psychology Developmental Psychology: Social Psychology:
Special Areas in Psychology Personality Psychology: Clinical Psychology:
Psychology Is Not Psychiatry Psychiatry: Medical specialty Holds an MD (Doctor of Medicine) Training in treatment of mental and behavioral problems Licensed to prescribe medicines Psychology: Broad field of study Holds a Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy) Training emphasizes research methods Advanced study in specialization
The scientific Method The scientific Method: Critical Thinking:
Descriptive Methods Descriptive Methods: Observing behavior in order to describe the relationship among behaviors and events. 1.Naturalistic Observation: 2.Case Study: 3.Survey:
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