You started here. TFA gets you here. Temporary Provisional Certification Initial Teacher Certification Multiple Certifications Student Support Certifications Administrative Certifications Principal, Special Education Director, Superintendent, Career Education Director School Counselor, School Psychological Examiner, School Psychologist, Speech Language Pathologist (Initial & Career Certification) Expands your area of expertise and allows you to work across subject areas with multiple populations of varying age and ability (Initial & Career Certification)
Certification Praxis Tests (Easiest option: Only for subject or content areas) Degree Programs Temporary Authorization (Most complex option) (Followed by a Praxis Test) NOTE: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education have specific requirements for certification. These criteria may or may not be different from university graduation requirements. Check with your college’s department chair to ensure you meet state certification requirements.
Who has to take the test? Anyone exiting TFA who plans to continue teaching in Missouri Anyone applying for an initial Missouri teaching license Anyone looking to get certified in an additional content area Most candidates completing administrative degree/certification programs What is on the test? The “Missouri Pre-Service Teacher Assessment” (MoPTA) has four sections:Missouri Pre-Service Teacher Assessment (1) Knowledge of Students and the Learning Environment; (2) Assessment and Data Collection to Measure and Inform Student Learning; (3) Designing Instruction for Student Learning; and, (4) Implementing and Analyzing Instruction to Promote Student Learning The “Missouri School Leader Performance Assessment” (MoSLPA) has three sections:Missouri School Leader Performance Assessment (1) Problem Solving in the Field; (2) Supporting Continuous Professional Development; and, (3) Creating a Collaborative Team Where do I take the test? Educational Service Testing administers the assessments at their private testing centers. To sign up for an exam go to the ETS website.ETS website.
Admin. Principal K-8; 9-12 Admin. Special Edu. Admin. K-12 Admin. Vocational School Dir. K-12 Admin. Superintendent K-12 Agriculture 9-12 Art K-9; K-12; 9-12 Blind/Partially Sighted B-12 Business Education 9-12 Chinese (Mandarin) K-12 Deaf/Hearing Impaired B-12 Early Childhood B-3 Early Childhood Special Edu. B-3 Elementary 1-6 Elementary Math Specialist 1-6 English 9-12 Family & Consumer Services B-12 French K-9; K-12 German K-9; K-12 Health K-9; K-12; 9-12 Library Media Special K-12 Marketing Education 9-12 Mathematics 9-12 Middle School Language Arts 5-9 Middle School Mathematics 5-9 Middle School Social Science 5-9 Mild/Mod. Cross Categorical Disabilities K-12 Music Instrumental/Vocal K-12 Physical Edu. K-9; K-12; 9-12 School Counselor K-8; 7-12 School Psychologist K-12 Science-Biology 9-12 Science-Chemistry 9-12 Science-Earth Science 9-12 Science-Physics 9-12 Science-General Science 9-12 Severely Developmentally Disabled B-12 Spanish K-9; K-12 Speech Language Pathology B-12 Speech/Theatre 9-12 Technology and Engineering Middle School Agriculture 5-9 Middle School Business Education 5-9 Middle School-Industrial Technology 5-9 Middle School-Speech/Theatre 5-9 Hebrew K-9; K-12 Italian K-9; K-12 Journalism 9-12 Latin K-9; K-12 Russian K-9; K-12 Fill out Add’tl Certifications form on the DESE website Study with a friend! Sign up for the correct test Take and pass the correct test Record your test with DESE For more info on the Praxis II Test, go to the DESE website.DESE website
Four subcategories of educators: teachers; administrators; student services; and, substitute teachers TEACHERS: Teachers are certified in various areas of early childhood, elementary, middle, secondary, and special education. Certification is based upon completion of an approved teacher education program. Teacher certification is valid based on the level of certification you have earned; renewal requirements vary depending on level of certification. Contact DESE for additional information. + Career Education teachers are certified to work in Career-Technical Centers and programs such as nursing, automotive, occupational family and consumer science, and trade/industrial fields. Certification is based on occupational work experience. For more info on becoming a Career-Technical Certified Teacher go to the DESE website.DESE website Individuals with valid Missouri teaching certificates who wish to substitute teach in a school district are no longer required by the department to apply for a substitute certificate. This includes individuals who hold an initial professional, career continuous professional, lifetime, student services, administration, provisional, and/or temporary certificate. There are restrictions on the number of hours a retired teacher may substitute teach. If, at any time, the educator allows his/her teaching certificate to expire, then a substitute certificate would be required.
ADMINISTRATORS: Principal, Special Education Director, Career Education Director, Superintendent in Missouri must be certified. An Initial Administrator Certificate is the first certificate a new administrator receives. Completion of a master's degree or higher in educational administration from a college or university having an educational administration degree program approved by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is required. A superintendent certificate requires a minimum of an educational specialist degree. The applicant must have a recommendation for certification from the designated official for educational administration at the college or university where the program was completed. The applicant must also obtain Missouri's passing score on the appropriate assessments. NOTE: Missouri requires at least two years of teaching experience for the initial principal certificate, and two years of experience before granting the career admin certificate. Complete one (1) online initial application and submit it to the Missouri institution where you completed your educational administrator program. The institution will complete their portion and then forward the application to DESE for processing. If you hold an expired teaching certificate and have not received a background clearance within the past 12 months, you will need to do so. The application processing time is dependent on receipt of background clearance, institution recommendation, official transcripts, and current DESE workload. *Administrator certifications are valid for four years, and must be renewed thereafter.
STUDENT SERVICES: School Counselor, School Psychological Examiner, School Psychologist, Speech Language Pathologist An Initial Student Services Certificate (ISS) is the first certificate a new student services provider receives. A minimum of a master's degree from a college or university having a student services program approved by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is required. The applicant must have a recommendation for certification from the designated official at the college or university where the program was completed. Applicants for School Counselor and School Psychologist must obtain Missouri's passing score on the appropriate assessment(s). Also, complete one (1) online initial application and submit it to the Missouri institution where you completed your student services program. The institution will complete their portion and then forward the application to DESE for processing. If you have not received a background clearance within the past 12 months, you will need to do so. The application processing time is dependent on receipt of background clearance, institution recommendation, official transcripts, and current DESE workload. Certification is valid for four years. If you hold a provisional license through the Missouri Board of Healing Arts, you will need to apply for the Temporary Authorization Certificate (TAC) during your clinical fellowship year. If you hold a full professional license through the Missouri Board of Healing Arts, you will need to complete one (1) online Speech Language Pathologist application and submit it to the Department. Maintaining licensure through the Missouri Board of Healing Arts is required in order to maintain certification from DESE.
Library Media Specialist Special Education Director Educational Specialist Principal/AP Superintendent Gifted Psychological Examiner School Psychologist Counselor Special Education Fontbonne Lindenwood Missouri Baptist MIZZOU St. Louis University UMSL Webster Washington University Lindenwood Missouri Baptist MIZZOU St. Louis University UMSL Lindenwood Missouri Baptist UMSL Webster Lindenwood Maryville Missouri Baptist Webster Lindenwood Maryville Missouri Baptist MIZZOU St. Louis University UMSL Webster Lindenwood Missouri Baptist MIZZOU St. Louis University Webster UMSL Lindenwood Maryville Missouri Baptist MIZZOU St. Louis University UMSL Webster Lindenwood Missouri Baptist MIZZOU Missouri Baptist MIZZOU St. Louis Univsity UMSL Webster
The following slides list available certification areas along with universities in the St. Louis region offering corresponding educational degree programs. For additional information on the requirements for specific certifications, please visit the DESE website.DESE website
Early Childhood Education Elementary Education Agricultural Education Art Business Education Dance English ESOL Family/Consumer Sciences Physical Education Lindenwood Missouri Baptist UMSL Fontbonne MIZZOU Fontbonne Harris-Stowe Lindenwood Maryville Missouri Baptist MIZZOU St. Louis University UMSL Webster Washington University MIZZOU Webster Lindenwood Missouri Baptist Lindenwood Harris-Stowe Lindenwood Missouri Baptist MIZZOU St. Louis University UMSL Webster Fontbonne Lindenwood Maryville MIZZOU UMSL Webster Fontbonne Harris-Stowe Lindenwood Missouri Baptist MIZZOU St. Louis University UMSL Webster MIZZOU
Foreign Language- French Foreign Language- German Foreign Language- Japanese Foreign Language- Latin Foreign Language- Russian Foreign Language- Spanish Health Industrial Technology Journalism Speech/Theatre MIZZOU Webster Lindenwood Missouri Baptist UMSL Lindenwood MIZZOU St. Louis University UMSL Webster Washington University MIZZOU St. Louis University UMSL Webster Washington University MIZZOU Washington University Lindenwood MIZZOU St. Louis University UMSL Webster Washington University Fontbonne Lindenwood Missouri Baptist UMSL
MarketingMathematicsMusic Science- Biology Science- Chemistry Science- Earth Science Science- Physics Science- General Science Social Science Science: Middle School Fontbonne Lindenwood Maryville Missouri Baptist MIZZOU St. Louis University UMSL Washington University Webster Fontbonne Lindenwood Maryville Missouri Baptist MIZZOU St. Louis University UMSL Washington University Webster Maryville MIZZOU UMSL Washington University Missouri Baptist MIZZOU Washington University Fontbonne Lindenwood Maryville Missouri Baptist MIZZOU St. Louis University UMSL Washington University Webster MIZZOU Washington University Lindenwood Missouri Baptist MIZZOU UMSL Washington University Webster Washington University
References Certification. Retrieved July 29, 2014, from quality/certification For more information on certification in Missouri please contact the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Educator Certification P.O. Box 480 Jefferson City, MO Phone