Education Building Arizona, USA
6 High Pressure Sodium 150W each, 16,000 Lumens 12 hours per day
6 Mercury Vapor 160W each, 2,550 lumens 12 hours per day
22 Compact Fluorescents 13W each, 810 lumens 12 hours per day
What you need to know for the calculations For all lamps: Cost of electricity per kilowatt-hour $ ,380 Number of Bulbs: Bulb Wattage: Hours bulb is on in one year: 1) High Pressure Sodium Bulb Lumens: 16, ,380 Number of Bulbs: Bulb Wattage: Hours bulb is on in one year: 3) Compact Fluorescent Bulb Lumens: ,380 Number of Bulbs: Bulb Wattage: Hours bulb is on in one year: 2) Mercury Vapor Bulb Lumens: 2,250
Lumens of Bulb Type 1 Wattage of Bulb Type 1 Efficacy of Bulb Type 1 ÷ = Efficacy High Pressure Sodium 16,
Number of Bulbs of Type 1 Estimated Hours per Year Estimated Hours Used from All Bulbs of Type 1 × = Wattage of Bulbs Energy Used in a Year by All Bulbs of Type 1 × = W 4,380 hrs 26,280 hrs 3,942,000W-hrs Energy Used High Pressure Sodium
Lumens of Bulb Type 2 Wattage of Bulb Type 2 Efficacy of Bulb Type 2 ÷ = Efficacy Mercury Vapor 2,
Number of Bulbs of Type 2 Estimated Hours per Year Estimated Hours Used from All Bulbs of Type 2 × = Wattage of Bulbs Energy Used in a Year by All Bulbs of Type 2 × = W 4,380 hrs 26,280 hrs 4,204,800W-hrs Energy Used Mercury Vapor
Lumens of Bulb Type 3 Wattage of Bulb Type 3 Efficacy of Bulb Type 3 ÷ = Efficacy Compact Fluorescent
Number of Bulbs of Type 3 Estimated Hours per Year Estimated Hours Used from All Bulbs of Type 3 × = Wattage of Bulbs Energy Used in a Year by All Bulbs of Type 3 × = W 4,380 hrs 96,360 hrs 1,252,680W-hrs Energy Used Compact Fluorescent
Kilowatt-hours Used in a Year Cost per Kilowatt-hour Amount Spent on Outdoor Lighting per Year Amount of Greenhouse Gas Produced While Powering Outdoor Lighting Each Year Kilowatt-hours Used in a Year Energy Used in a Year by All Bulbs of Type 1 3,942,000W-hrs ,942 kW-hrs $0.12 × × 0.84 = kg kWh = ÷ = $ ,311 kg Energy, Cost, and Carbon Footprint High Pressure Sodium
Kilowatt-hours Used in a Year Cost per Kilowatt-hour Kilowatt-hours Used in a Year Energy used in a Year by All Bulbs of Type 1 3,942,000W-hrs ,942 kW-hrs $0.12 × × 0.84 = kg kWh = ÷ = $ ,311 kg Energy, Cost, and Carbon Footprint High Pressure Sodium Amount of Greenhouse Gas Produced While Powering Outdoor Lighting Each Year Amount Spent on Outdoor Lighting per Year
Kilowatt-hours Used in a Year Cost per Kilowatt-hour Amount Spent on Outdoor Lighting per Year Kilowatt-hours Used in a Year Energy used in a Year by All Bulbs of Type 2 4,204,800W-hrs ,205 kW-hrs $0.12 × × 0.84 = kg kWh = ÷ = $ ,532 kg Energy, Cost, and Carbon Footprint Mercury Vapor Amount of Greenhouse Gas Produced While Powering Outdoor Lighting Each Year
Kilowatt-hours Used in a Year Cost per Kilowatt-hour Amount Spent on Outdoor Lighting per Year Kilowatt-hours Used in a Year Energy Used in a Year by All Bulbs of Type 2 4,204,800W-hrs ,205 kW-hrs $0.12 × × 0.84 = kg kWh = ÷ = $ ,532 kg Energy, Cost, and Carbon Footprint Mercury Vapor Amount of Greenhouse Gas Produced While Powering Outdoor Lighting Each Year
Kilowatt-hours Used in a Year Cost per Kilowatt-hour Amount Spent on Outdoor Lighting per Year Amount of Greenhouse Gas Produced While Powering Outdoor Lighting Each Year Kilowatt-hours Used in a Year Energy Used in a Year by All Bulbs of Type 3 1,252,680W-hrs ,253 kW-hrs $0.12 × × 0.84 = kg kWh = ÷ = $ ,053 kg Energy, Cost, and Carbon Footprint Compact Fluorescent
Kilowatt-hours Used in a Year Cost per Kilowatt-hour Kilowatt-hours Used in a Year Energy used in a year by all bulbs of Type 3 1,252,680W-hrs ,253 kW-hrs $0.12 × × 0.84 = kg kWh = ÷ = $ ,053 kg Energy, Cost, and Carbon Footprint Compact Fluorescent Amount of Greenhouse Gas Produced While Powering Outdoor Lighting Each Year Amount Spent on Outdoor Lighting per Year
Results Energy used in one year: Amount spent on lighting: Greenhouse gas produced in one year: 2) Mercury Vapor 4,205 kW-hrs $ ,532 kg 16 Efficacy: Energy used in one year: Amount spent on lighting: Greenhouse gas produced in one year: 1) High Pressure Sodium 3,942 kW-hrs $ ,311 kg 107 Efficacy: Energy used in one year: Amount spent on lighting: Greenhouse gas produced in one year: 3) Compact Fluorescent 1,253 kW-hrs $ ,053 kg 62 Efficacy:
+ 1) High Pressure Sodium 2) Mercury Vapor 3) Compact Fluorescent Grand total: kWh Greenhouse Gases Cost of lighting 3,942 kW-hrs$ ,311 kg 4,205 kW-hrs $ ,532 kg 1,253 kW-hrs $ ,053 kg 9,400 kW-hrs$1, ,896 kg The Total Energy, Cost & Carbon Footprint
+ 1) High Pressure Sodium 2) Mercury Vapor 3) Compact Fluorescent Grand total: kWh Greenhouse Gases Cost of lighting 3,942 kW-hrs$ ,311 kg 4,205 kW-hrs $ ,532 kg 1,253 kW-hrs $ ,053 kg 9,400 kW-hrs$1, ,896 kg The Total Energy, Cost & Carbon Footprint