Periodic Table
What is this model of the atom called? Bell Ringer Bohr Model of the Atom (1913) What is this model of the atom called? How do electrons travel according to this model of the atom? Electrons travel in definite paths. Electrons jump between levels from path to path.
What do the numbers in red represent? Bell Ringer C-12 C-14 What do the numbers in red represent? What do the two atoms above represent?
Quick Review Bohr Diagram P + N Nucleus 1st energy level (2 electrons) 2nd energy level (8 electrons) 3rd energy level (18 electrons)
Quick Review Outermost energy level of an atom is called valence shell. Electrons in valence shell are called valence electrons. Group number indicates the number of valence electrons. Period number determines the number of energy levels (or rings).
Video HOW ELEMENTS ARE CREATED? Island of Stability: A nuclear chemist aims to create entirely new elements to add to the periodic table. Aired October 3, 2006 on PBS Element 114 has been given a proposed name – Flerovium as of Dec 1, 2011. Public comment period of 6 months follows and then name will be finalized.
Dmitri Mendeleev Russian chemist Discovered a pattern to the properties of elements if they were arranged in order of increasing atomic mass Mendeleev’s 1871 Periodic Table
Henry Moseley British scientist Determined the number of protons (atomic number) in an atom He arranged elements in the Periodic Table according to atomic number
Periodic Law The chemical and physical properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic number.
Group Each column of elements from top to bottom on the Periodic Table. Also known as Family Elements in a ‘family’ behave in a similar way Example: Group 1 (all except Hydrogen) elements are called alkali metals. How are they similar? They react explosively with water!
Period Each horizontal row of elements from left to right on the Periodic Table As you go from left to right, atomic number increases by 1 number of protons increases by 1 number of electrons also increases by 1 in the same valence shell
Periodic Table worksheet Color the square for hydrogen yellow (#1) Using black pencil or marker, mark the zigzag line (#5) Color the Noble Gases orange (#3) Noble gases are stable and do not take part in chemical reactions.
Metals Found to the left of the zigzag line in the Periodic Table Solid at room temperature, good conductors, malleable, ductile and shiny Color the groups with very reactive metals red (#2) Color the transition metals green (#4) Color the metals in groups 13 to 16 brown (#8) Circle and label alkali metals blue (#11) Circle and label alkaline earth metals in purple (#12)
Nonmetals Found to the right of the zigzag line in the Periodic Table Poor conductors, not malleable, not ductile and not shiny Color the nonmetals that are not noble gases blue (#7) Circle and label the halogens in green (#13)
Metalloids Also called semiconductors. Found at the border of the zigzag line on the Periodic Table They have some properties of metals and nonmetals (hard, very brittle) Color the metalloids purple (#6)
Complete the table in your notes Symbol Element Period # Group # Metal, nonmetal or metalloid? Solid, liquid or gas? N Nitrogen 2 15 Nonmetal Gas Ca Calcium 4 Metal Solid Na Sodium 3 1 Hg Mercury 6 12 Liquid W Tungsten Kr Krypton 18 I Iodine 5 17 Zn Zinc Sg Seaborgium 7 Tl Thallium 13 As Arsenic Metalloid Y Yttrium