A Gigabit or Bust by 2010 Tom West PresidentCENIC BPG June
CENIC - Mission Create an independent organization that will: Create an independent organization that will: –Facilitate and coordinate the Development, Deployment, and Operation of a set of seamless and robust advanced network services. –support advanced applications to enhance California’s leadership in research and education. Structure: 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation Structure: 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation “Owned” and funded by Charter Associates. “Owned” and funded by Charter Associates.
Charter/Partner Associates California Community Colleges California Community Colleges California Institute of Technology California Institute of Technology California State University California State University Stanford University Stanford University University of California University of California University of Southern California University of Southern California
Education in California – Overview University of California – 9 (10) campuses University of California – 9 (10) campuses 3 Private Research Universities – Caltech, Stanford, University of Southern California 3 Private Research Universities – Caltech, Stanford, University of Southern California California State University – 23 campuses California State University – 23 campuses Community Colleges – over 100 Community Colleges – over 100 Other independent institutions of higher education – over 100 Other independent institutions of higher education – over 100 K-12 schools – over 9000 K-12 schools – over 9000 Various government labs and university affiliated research institutes Various government labs and university affiliated research institutes
Five Projects CalREN-2-- Research Universities CalREN-2-- Research Universities Digital California Project--K Digital California Project--K Optical Network Initiative Optical Network Initiative National Lambda Rail National Lambda Rail A Gigabit or Bust by 2010 A Gigabit or Bust by 2010
Digital California Network
CalREN Backbone Network
CALREN - Solution Derived from 3 backbones – one education, one research, one experimental, sharing physical resources where applicable Derived from 3 backbones – one education, one research, one experimental, sharing physical resources where applicable Integrated at the physical and operations level, separable at the link and network levels Integrated at the physical and operations level, separable at the link and network levels Separate local solution from long-haul solution (due to different possibilities, players) Separate local solution from long-haul solution (due to different possibilities, players) Combination of dark fiber and wavelengths Combination of dark fiber and wavelengths
National LambdaRail Dark Fiber National footprint Dark Fiber National footprint Serves very high-end experimental and research applications including network research Serves very high-end experimental and research applications including network research GB Wavelengths initially GB Wavelengths initially Capable of 40 10Gb wavelengths at build-out Capable of 40 10Gb wavelengths at build-out Partnership model Partnership model
For More Information CENIC website: to:
One Gigabit or Bust Initiative One gigabit is about the capabilities that the capacity makes possible One gigabit is about the capabilities that the capacity makes possible Leadership is needed to give common focus on the goal---NGI Roundtable Leadership is needed to give common focus on the goal---NGI Roundtable Payoff--Economic development and quality of life Payoff--Economic development and quality of life
CENIC’s Roles Convener Convener Catalyst Catalyst Anchor Tenant in some locales Anchor Tenant in some locales