English 9A, Dodge DIGITAL STORYTELLING “When students are engaged in the process of creating a digital story, they must synthesize a variety of literacy skills for the authentic product: researching, writing, organizing, presenting, interviewing, problem-solving, assessing, as well as employing interpersonal and technology skills.” –Paige Baggett
What is Digital Storytelling? The practice of using computer-based tools (graphics, audio, video, and Web publishing) to tell stories. “Today the use of digital storytelling is being practiced in neighborhood community centers, schools, libraries and businesses, by novice technology users to those with advanced skills. In the field of education, teachers and their students, from early childhood classrooms through graduate school, are using digital storytelling in many different content areas and across a wide range of grade levels” (digitalstorytelling.coe.uh.edu).
Personal Narrative Digital Story Examples iMovie Example: WeVideo Examples:
How to get started: Sketch a storyboard on paper where you decide what graphics/videos will be used and at what time in your personal narrative Remember: You can use your own graphics/videos, OR you can use a Google image that is “Labeled for Reuse”Labeled for Reuse Locate and/or scan the graphics/videos you plan to use If you use a Google image “Labeled for Reuse”, you MUST keep track of the websites the graphics come from Record yourself reading your personal narrative using Voice Memos, a Voice Recorder application, or a digital voice recorder Go to
First step using wevideo.com: Setup your free account
Second step using wevideo.com: Create video
Third step using wevideo.com: Upload media
Fourth step using wevideo.com: Edit graphics, audio, video, etc.
Fifth step using wevideo.com: Publish your video
Sixth step using wevideo.com: Ms. Dodge the link to your final video by Friday address: Subject: Your full name and class hour Include: WeVideo link If you me any later than 7 p.m. Thursday night, you will not get a response from me until the morning; otherwise, do not assume I received your until I respond confirming it.