A Netiquette and Internet Safety Presentation Developed by John Burgess Social Media Instr Strategies-SP12-930C-2306 Module 2 - Activity 3
ePillar Program Digital CitizenshipAUP and NetiquetteSafe Practices
Welcome This Presentation is being offered to Pupils, Parents, Educators and Engaged Members of the Community. The Presentation is meant to be Highly Interactive and Participatory Our Goal is Simply; to Facilitate the Collaborative Development of our Community’s very own ePillar Program
Together, we can help to ensure that all of us have an opportunity to use Technology Appropriately and Stay Safe Online!
Guiding Principles As we Develop the Pillars of our Program please remember the following: 1. All Stakeholders (Pupils, Parents, Educators, Tech Experts, Community Partners, etc.) will have a say in the Process. 2. We will Model the Appropriate use of Technology during the Programs Development. 3. We will Understand, Develop and Follow Safe Practices for Technology and Internet use in the home and at school. 4. We will Understand, Develop and Adhere to Netiquette Guidelines for online Learning Communities, Discussion Boards, Texting and Social Media Interaction. 5. We will Endeavor to Create and Sustain a Technologically Advanced Environment and Culture that Nurtures High Functioning, Respectful and Responsible Digital Citizens.
ePillar ePillar One
We all know the Internet can be a great place to Explore and Learn [1] [1]
We should also acknowledge that the Internet can be a Dangerous place when used Incorrectly [2] [2] Use the Picture Links to access Information and Video Content concerning Internet Dangers and Safer use Strategies.
Internet Dangers for Kids According to cnet.com the top 5 Internet Dangers for Kids are: 1. Data Theft – Including the theft of passwords, addresses, Social Security Numbers, Credit Card Numbers, and other Financial Information. 2. Malicious Software (also known as malware) – adware, spyware, viruses, phishing scams, etc. 3. Inappropriate Content – Pornography, Violence, Hate Speech, Propaganda, Racist Material, etc. 4. Cyberbullying – Bullying by Peers via Instant Messages, Chat Rooms, Social Networking Sites, Online Games, etc. 5. Predators – Social Networking Sites, chat rooms. [3] [3]
Decision Time Internet Dangers Record Ideas on Flipcharts Safer Practices Record Ideas on Flipcharts In groups of 3-4, List all the Internet Dangers and Safer Practices you can think of. Use your team’s ideas Develop our Safer Practices Pillar.
Archetype Time Create or Use your existing Social Media to join the Community of those already dedicated to the Pillar of Safer Internet use. Remember, Community means Connecting, Learning and Contributing!
ePillar ePillar Two
Appropriate Uses of Technology can Facilitate Learning through Collaboration Exploration and Discovery [4] [4] Use the Picture Links to access Information and Videos concerning Internet Dangers and Safer use Strategies.
The Inappropriate Applications of Technology and Improper Netiquette are ineffective Strategies. [5] [5] Use the Picture Links to access Information and Videos concerning Internet Appropriate Use Policies.
Decision Time Appropriate Record Ideas on Flipcharts Inappropriate Record Ideas on Flipcharts In groups of 3-4, List Appropriate and Inappropriate Tech Uses and Netiquette Principles. Use your team’s ideas to Develop the AUP and Netiquette Guidelines for Pillar Two.
Archetype Time Use a Social Media site or YouTube to connect with and learn from others already discussing the AUP and Netiquette Pillar.
ePillar ePillar Three
Digital Citizenship In a world full of technology, the Digital Citizen’s Framework helps teachers, technology leaders and parents understand what students must know in order to appropriately employ technology. [6] [6]
Digital Citizens know, “what is considered appropriate technology usage”. [7] [7] Use the Picture Links to access Information and Videos concerning Internet Dangers and Safer use Strategies.
Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship 1. Digital Access: Full electronic participation in society. 2. Digital Commerce: Electronic buying and selling of goods. 3. Digital Communication: Electronic exchange of information. 4. Digital Literacy: Process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology. 5. Digital Etiquette: Electronic standards of conduct or procedure. [8] [8]
Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship Con’t 6. Digital Law: Electronic responsibility for actions and deeds 7. Digital Rights & Responsibilities: Those freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world. 8. Digital Health & Wellness: Physical and psychological well-being in a digital technology world. 9. Digital Security (self-protection): Electronic precautions to guarantee safety. [8] [8]
Decision Time Create Record Ideas on Flipcharts Sustain Record Ideas on Flipcharts In groups of 3-4, List ways to Create and Sustain an Environment and Culture for Digital Citizen Pillar Three
Archetype Time Use a Social Media site or YouTube to connect with and learn from others already discussing the Digital Citizenship Pillar.
Additional Resources Kids Safety on the Internet Cyber Bullying Statistics Safety Tips for the Internet Internet Safety for Teens Go Forth and Learn…
Works Cited 1. Edudemic Date Line NBC “Dangers children face online” face-online/ face-online/ 3. Top 5 Internet Dangers for Kids Source: htmlhttp:// html 4. Edudemic “Netiquette Do’s and Don’ts” Digital Citizenship Website Digital Citizenship Website Digital Citizenship Website