Before You Begin Penance Lessons Set up a Prayer Space in your home where you will conduct your lessons. Include on your Prayer Table: ► Color cloth for the Liturgical Season Dec. 2 – 24, 2012…PURPLE for the Season of Advent Dec. 25 – Jan 6, 2013…WHITE for the Season of Christmas Jan. 7 – Feb. 12, 2013…GREEN for Ordinary Time Feb. 13 – Mar. 23, 2013…PURPLE for the Season of Lent ► Candle (with matches or a lighter) ► Cross or Crucifix ► Bible ► Any other item or image that has religious significance for your family.
First Penance, Ch. 3 We Prepare to Receive God’s Forgiveness: An Examination of Conscience OPENING PRAYER: Light the candle in your prayer space and open your textbook to page 31. ► Pray the “Sign of the Cross” and together read aloud the quote from the “Rite of Penance.” ► Then pray the “Act of Contrition” (found on your Prayer Handout).
We Gather RECALL: Recall the story of the Good Shepherd. Is God always ready to forgive us if we are sorry for our sins? DISCUSS: What are ways that people say and show that they are sorry? People might use words like: I’m sorry, forgive me, I apologize Actions they might take to express they are sorry are: a handshake, a hug READ & RESPOND: Read aloud the story on page 32. Have your child finish the story in their own words.
We Share God’s Word EXPLAIN: The son in the following Bible story represents all of us whenever we sin and ask for God’s forgiveness. The father in the story reminds us of God the Father who is always happy when we choose to say that we are sorry and come back to him by asking him to forgive us. READ: From the Bible, read together the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15: DISCUSS: Have you ever been surprised by someone’s willingness to forgive you? Have you ever been happy when someone came back to you asking for forgiveness after they had hurt you?
We Believe & Celebrate READ: Read aloud page 36. RECALL: Ask your child to underline the term “examination of conscience.” Then ask your child to recall the things we do when we make an examination of conscience. EXPLAIN: God gives each person the gift of conscience. This gift helps us know right from wrong. This was one of the gifts we talked about in chapter one. Can you remember the other gift we discuss? Answer: Free will. Also, the study of Scripture, especially Jesus’ teachings and Church teaching, helps form our conscience so we can know right from wrong. REFLECT: Read aloud to your child the questions on page 37, pausing after each one to allow your child to reflect on his or her response.
We Believe & Celebrate RECALL: The father and the son in Jesus’ story used words of sorrow and forgiveness to make peace. READ: Read together page 38. Underline the terms “contrition” and “act of contrition.” EXPLAIN: We pray the Act of Contrition during the Sacrament of Penance and at other times when we are sorry for our sins and want to ask God to forgive us. The prayer on page 38 is one version of the prayer. Also, we can always use our own words to tell God that we are sorry. READ: Pray together the Act of Contrition, followed by the “When We Pray” section. Practice praying the “Act of Contrition” often before the celebration of First Penance. Try praying it together every night before going to bed.
We Respond REFLECT: Ask your child to close their eyes and image a favorite place they might find quiet and peace to make an examination of conscience. Have them write or draw it on page 40. DISCUSS: Discuss times when a person can make an examination of conscience. ► During nighttime prayers ► Before celebrating the Sacrament of Penance, etc.
We Respond in Prayer RECALL: Recall that Jesus wants us to CELEBRATE God’s love and forgiveness. PRAY: Give your child an “Examination of Conscience” appropriate for their age (available in your Penance Packet). Play some soft music as they read through the questions quietly to themselves. When finished, take the role of “Leader” and lead the family in prayer on page 42.
Chapter 3 REVIEW Complete the “Sharing Faith with My Family” activities on pages REMEMBER: Practice praying the “Act of Contrition” often before the celebration of First Penance on March 2, 2013.