Avatars Create three avatars of themselves for three different social networks: 1. A school social network where teachers, students, and parents communicate 2.A social network where you connect mainly with friends and people you know 3. Second Life ( where you communicate mainly with people you don’t know in real life You will create these through a Google Presentation with each slide representing each social network site. You DO NOT have to really create these accounts. For each avatar write a 5 sentence explanation about why you decided on the certain aspects of your avatar. (see sample on my webpage) USE THESE SITES FOR YOUR AVATAR: Build Your Wild Self ( copy and paste avatar in presentation; need to click print so that you can copy and paste (DO NOT PRINT AVATAR); may not workwww.buildyourwildself.com --Build avatar then click ok I’m done; click print in order to copy and paste Marvel Create Your Own Superhero ( own_superhero).-- will avatar to me ( to friend); in the message type your explanation
School Social Network Write a 5 sentence explanation about why you decided on the certain aspects of the avatar
1.Follow the same process for the other two avatars 2.Save Presentation As LastNameFirstInitial_Avatar 3.Share with me: 4.Superheroes will be ed to me with explanation