Who invented cell phones- the cell phones were invented by Martin Cooper in
Where and when was it invented- the cell phones were invented in the streets of New York to his rival business man at AT&T communication in
Why is the invention of cell phones so important for the society/humankind- it was invented to allow people to talk on the phone without having to be at a land line phone.
Wh at was society like before the invention-social life like before the invention of cell phones was hard. And if there was an accident happen,you can’t call anyone because you don’t have a cell phone and life was worst. And you have to go outside to meet people because you don’t have a cell phone. Website :
What was life like after the invention of cell phones- life was better after the invention of cell phones. You can call your friends and if there an accident happen you can call 911 for help. and you could go to websites.
how did this invention change society – it change society because its easier to contact with your friends and meet people. You can call 911 if there an accident,and its easier to do anything than before.
what were some positive effects of this invention - the positive effects is that it can help if there an accident and its useful to call anyone if there is a problem and its faster to do anything you want to do.
What were some negative effects of this invention- the negative effects are students cheating on test. It effect on the parents, teacher, or friends making fun of your life.