Copyright 2007 – Biz/ed Career Opportunities in Travel and Tourism BTEC Travel and Tourism
Copyright 2007 – Biz/ed Gizza Job! How do you go about finding a career in the travel and tourism industry? There are so many different sectors How do you get into travel and tourism? How can you make progress in a travel and tourism career?
Copyright 2007 – Biz/ed What will you have to do in this Unit? You should carry out a full analysis of two jobs You should find out how to get into and progress in a travel and tourism job You will learn about job descriptions and person specifications You should also assess your suitability for your selected jobs
Copyright 2007 – Biz/ed Build a Careers File Produce a careers file to: Make a list of suitable career paths Narrow down to two jobs, giving reasons Produce job descriptions and person specifications for each of the two jobs
Copyright 2007 – Biz/ed Build a Careers File Find out entry requirements – how do I get from here to there? Identify progression routes – how do I get from there to where I want to be in the longer term? To do the above, you should describe your training and development needs
Copyright 2007 – Biz/ed What Next? Go to the Activity to start building your career file.