By Lukas Struppe
The Marine Biome includes the ecosystems of all the bodies of SALT WATER NOT FRESH WATER. This biome includes the all the plants and animals living in salt water. In this report we will be focusing specifically on the DEEP SEA BIOME! CLICK TO ENTER THE CLICK TO ENTER THE DEEP SEA
The Deep Sea includes three zones: Batheypelagic Zone ( m) Abyssopelagic Zone ( m) Hadopelagic Zone (6000-undiscovered) It ranges from about 1800 meters to 11,000 meters which is the deepest discovered so far. Average temperature at 4000 meters is 2 degrees Celcius
T his zone is closest to the surface from the Deep Sea Biome T he Biomass decreases (amount of organisms/living things or dead organisms) T he prey feed on dead organisms that come from higher up while the predators feed on the prey in their zone. S unlight reaches only to 1000 meters so it is Pitch Black S ome animals use bioluminescence to see and move around. Yum!
No light is seen here Anything living beyond this must be able to withstand 11,000 psi. (we would get crushed) It is the largest living zone known to man ≈115,000,000 square miles The biomass is extremely high here because of all the dead organisms that float down here. There is little or no oxygen down here. Predators usually use bioluminescence to catch other fish or jellyfish Most prey are camouflaged or transparent/translucent. The jaws of the fish are large and low as to be able to comb through the sand for food Most fish are blind Fun Fact: Abyssopelagic Comes from the Greek meaning no bottom (but there is one)
Deepest known part of the ocean is the Marianas trench (11,021 meters) Mostly made up of deep trenches since most places are not deeper than 4,000 meters. 2% of the ocean is part of this zone Very few organisms live down here because of the extreme temperature and pressure.
S adly there is no food web on these zones since so little is known. T here is A basic food web though Click Arrow For a Food Web on all three zones.
Biomass Dead Biomass Tube worms Bacteria Crustaceans Copepods Large Crustaceans Small organisms Small fish Cucumbers Predators Large fish Squid, octopus e.t.c. ***Also Shows the flow of energy. It will be explained more in the next slide YUM!!!
1.Bacteria are produced by the heat the tubeworms put out (you will learn more next slide) 2.Zooplankton and Phytoplankton feed on the bacteria so energy transfers into them 3.Copepods and small crustaceans eat these and get eaten by large Crustaceans 4.Large Crustaceans get eaten by small fish or the other way around actually 5.These get eaten by the big predators like the Angler Fish and the Vampire Squid
Its like when we eat a hamburger…