SCREENS & BOOTS Off of Rocket and Jet Motion Dewayne Alexander Phone: 615-547-1330
JET – TE Screen Back and SE must sell the jet! FB blocks “C”gap Motion back sells the fake by putting his hands to his outside hip TE punches inside to “C” gap and keeps hs shoulders square, and then circles to a point no deeper that 4 yards to find the QB Playside tackle punches defender and releases to block the corner (never cross a 5 techniques face) Playside guard punches “A” gap for a “two” count, and then releases to seal the backer Center blocks most dangerous threat for a “two” count and then releases to run the alley Backside guard and tackle base block and sell run QB reverses out and keeps ball inside the frame of his body, and then gains depth to throw screen
Rocket – SE Screen Motion back must sell rocket Playside tackle releases inside defensive end and blocks corner Playside guard punches “a” gap and releases to block the playside backer Center blocks most dangerous threat for a two count and releases and releases to block alley Backside lineman block solid Backside receivers and wingback sell run and stalk block Pass receiver takes 2 hard steps and then comes back to the QB to receive the ball. He reads the block of the tackle and guard QB reverses out, sells rock, and delivers ball to the receiver
No MO –SE Middle Screen #2 receiver blocks corner #3 receiver (wingback) blocks the defender lined up on #2 Playside tackle pass sets and cuts the DE All other lineman pass set for a “one” count and release to block the linebackers. PLAYSIDE GUARD HAS THE KEY BLOCK! Pass receiver takes a hard jab step up field and drives inside to the QB and runs to daylight
FB Screens are the same as SE screens