Surnames Your surname is your last name given Honley The last name Honley originated from the town Honley in England. 188 miles North of London, England Time: 3 hrs 17
The Town of Honley
Where to start? Start gathering your information Talk to family members Enter data in a FREE family tree software. Make sure to have correct 1.Dates (date of birth or death) 2.Names 3.Residence
3 useful website 1. Has a free software to start your tree. 2.Has an annual membership 3.Has message boards 4.Provides facts about your surname. (Link) (Link) Has message boards Monthly membership Free software Free software to make tree 1. Can make reports. 2. Cross match other members trees. 3. Can publish your information to a website.
Generation Report My Heritage provides 7 different reports Book Report Family fact sheet Ancestors Descendents Time line Descendents summery List
Censes Reports The censes report list all members in a house hold, per year. Giving age, occupation, The censes report is published every 72 years 1930 censes is the last published year
Genealogy Society Most states have their own Genealogy Society Most heritages have a membership The Genealogy societies are originations *.org
GoogleGoogle Using Google to find information about your surname Type your first or last name using quotations “ Honley”
Summary Using websites Using the Censes Reports Using the Genealogy Society Using Google Other resources Books, magazines,