1Furmanite Confidential - 1/9/04 Motor and Pump Base Foundational Repair
2 Furmanite Confidential - 1/9/04 Foundational failure is one of the most common factors leading to vibration in the pumps and motors If foundational failures are not addressed, you will experience significant particle and coupling wear which may result in premature replacement and unscheduled shut downs
3 Furmanite Confidential - 1/9/04 Equipment Anchor Points These areas are usually the most affected by grout pack deterioration and create voids or ‘Soft Foot’ due to steel stress and result in vibration and unsound foundations Substantial amounts of force are placed on footpads and equipment anchor points
4 Furmanite Confidential - 1/9/04 Inferior material composition at time of pour Cracked or deteriorating grout packing and concrete due to service Foundational Failures Can Occur From Corroding reinforcing steel in the basin due to improper instillation Chemical attack to the basin
5 Furmanite Confidential - 1/9/04 Previous Vibratory Solution Methods Included Shimming the Anchor Areas Included Shimming the Anchor Areas Although this method has been widely accepted for aligning the Pump and Motors it may have adverse affects when related to vibration If the Machine Level is out of alignment It is recommended to Mill to near perfect conditions This method is only recommended if you have taken steps to ensure the Foundation and Soul Plate are Sound
6 Furmanite Confidential - 1/9/04 Structural repair using reinforcing steel bars Water control (Leak Sealing) Epoxy Pressure Injection Pump and Motor base grout removal & repair This can be lengthy and typically not the best option Soil Stabilization Void Fills Demo and Replace Laser level weld up and mill down
7 Furmanite Confidential - 1/9/04 Applications Machinery base repairs Pump and motor base repair Exciter basins Structural support base repair Basin cracks Pedestal restoration Epoxy/Urethane pressure injection method
8 Furmanite Confidential - 1/9/04 Solutions Solutions EPOXY INJECTION: – Low Viscosity – Moisture Insensitive – Easy Application – Must be done under pressure – Extreme High Strength 12,000 PSI epoxy materials are available on the market – Chemical Resistance – 100% Solids This means 0% Shrinkage
9 Furmanite Confidential - 1/9/04 Epoxy Injection Basin Repair Epoxies consist of 2 or more blended components to make a material specifically designed for certain applications including chemical resistance, compressive strength Epoxies used for grout pack solidification and basin injection have a tested compressive strength ranging from 8,500 psi (when applied at 73°f and 1 day cure) to 12,000 psi (at 73°f and 3-28 day full cure) The injection method is minimally invasive requiring holes to be drilled in hollowed locations and can be pumped under high or low pressure It is recommended that BOTH the motor and pump are removed
10 Furmanite Confidential - 1/9/04 Epoxy Injection Issues- EPOXY INJECTION : Cannot be used in flowing water May not fully penetrate cracks if viscosity is high or if the wrong material is selected Chemical attacks can be prevalent Temperature limitations Typically less than 350º F Proper cure time MUST be given to reach ‘working time’
11 Furmanite Confidential - 1/9/04 Epoxy Injection Basin Repair – Select the right material ! In June 2011, under request from nuclear customers, the injection epoxies were tested by an independent Engineering consultant. Upon selecting a qualified engineering and testing company, the goal was to ensure and validate the proper material compressive strength as indicated under the specifications. Three samples were submitted and machined into cylindrical shape prior to testing. A compression machine as specified by ASTM D Section 5.1 was utilized. Load was applied to each specimen in accordance with ASTM D Section 9.2. Results Testing was stopped once the 3- day strength requirement of 10,000 PSI had been met. All three specimens had achieved greater than the desired 10,000 PSI with one sample achieving 15,035 PSI. At the applied load, the specimens had been compressed to a height of inches with a diameter of inches. Upon observation, no cracking was found. As well, the specimens began to rebound slowly after the load was removed. Within 1 hour the specimens had rebounded between 57% and 66% of their original height. Within 24 hours, all specimens had rebounded approximately 98% of their original test height.
12 Furmanite Confidential - 1/9/04 Epoxy Injection Basin Repair Where Can Epoxy Injections Be Performed? Pump Basins Sole Plates Exciter Basins Concrete Foundations Structural Reinforcement Applications Reinforcing Steel Corrosion Mitigation