JEREMIAH Prophet of Sin & Punishment
JEREMIAH: PLOT Jeremiah is called to prophesy to Judah re their sins & coming judgment Jeremiah is called to prophesy to Judah re their sins & coming judgment For 40 years Jeremiah foretells what is coming, often paying a high price personally For 40 years Jeremiah foretells what is coming, often paying a high price personally Judah will be defeated & Jerusalem destroyed Judah will be defeated & Jerusalem destroyed 70 years of captivity in Babylon will follow 70 years of captivity in Babylon will follow God promises eventual restoration God promises eventual restoration
JEREMIAH: THE MAN Prophesied to Judah B.C. during reigns of 5 kings Prophesied to Judah B.C. during reigns of 5 kings Father a priest from Benjamin Father a priest from Benjamin Young at the time he was called to prophesy Young at the time he was called to prophesy Remained unmarried as part of his message Remained unmarried as part of his message Very unpopular b/c of his message Very unpopular b/c of his message Openly acknowledged his frustration & anger with God Openly acknowledged his frustration & anger with God Kidnapped & taken to Egypt after Fall of Jerusalem Kidnapped & taken to Egypt after Fall of Jerusalem Jewish tradition says he was stoned to death in Egypt Jewish tradition says he was stoned to death in Egypt
JEREMIAH: THE BOOK A combination of oracles & narratives (story) A combination of oracles & narratives (story) Not in chronological order, some info repeated Not in chronological order, some info repeated Dictated to Baruch Dictated to Baruch Quoted 40 times in NT (especially Revelation) Quoted 40 times in NT (especially Revelation) Numerous object lessons: Numerous object lessons: Almond Rod Almond Rod Boiling Pot Boiling Pot Ruined Waistcloth Ruined Waistcloth Jeremiah’s single status Jeremiah’s single status Buying a plot of land Buying a plot of land
JEREMIAH: MAJOR THEMES Themes are introduced in chapter 1 (Jeremiah’s Calling) Themes are introduced in chapter 1 (Jeremiah’s Calling) God will judge Judah for breaking the covenant (2-29) God will judge Judah for breaking the covenant (2-29) Babylon will be His instrument of punishment Babylon will be His instrument of punishment 70 yrs. of Exile are coming & are unavoidable 70 yrs. of Exile are coming & are unavoidable Judah should accept what is coming & not resist Judah should accept what is coming & not resist After 70 yrs. God will restore Israel & Judah: there is Hope (30-33) After 70 yrs. God will restore Israel & Judah: there is Hope (30-33) Eventually God will make a New Covenant with them Eventually God will make a New Covenant with them Ultimately fulfilled in Jesus (Lk. 22:20) Ultimately fulfilled in Jesus (Lk. 22:20) Fall of Jerusalem & Beginning of Captivity (34-51) Fall of Jerusalem & Beginning of Captivity (34-51) Jeremiah’s frustration over what he must endure Jeremiah’s frustration over what he must endure
JEREMIAH: MAJOR EVENTS Jeremiah’s Call to Prophesy (1) Jeremiah’s Call to Prophesy (1) The famous “Temple Sermon” (7) The famous “Temple Sermon” (7) Jeremiah’s Complaint against the Lord (20) Jeremiah’s Complaint against the Lord (20) King Jehoikim burns God’s Word (36) King Jehoikim burns God’s Word (36) Fall of Jerusalem & Destruction of the Temple (39 & 52) Fall of Jerusalem & Destruction of the Temple (39 & 52) Beginning of Exile (52) Beginning of Exile (52)
JEREMIAH: KEY VERSE “Behold, the days are coming when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah.” Jeremiah 31:31 Jeremiah 31:31
JEREMIAH: LESSONS FOR TODAY 1. When God makes a _______________ with His people, He expects us to be _____________ to it. 2. No _______________ can stand if it defies or disregards the Lord. 3. Religious _____________ are often the greatest enemies of truth. 4. Serving the Lord often comes at a high personal _____________. 5. We are the recipients of the New _______________ b/c of what Jesus has done, & we should be thankful.