Three Responsibilities of a Leader 1. Define reality 3. Thank you servant 2. Leader is a servant to the people and a debtor to the institutions s/he serves
The Elements of Leadership The Heart The Head The Hand
The Heart of Leadership Has to do with what a person believes, values, dreams about, and is committed to. It is a personal vision or an individual’s interior world which becomes the foundation of reality.
The Head of Leadership Has to do with mindscapes or theories of practice that leaders develop over time. When combined with personal vision and an internal system of values, this becomes the basis of leadership strategies and actions.
The Hand of Leadership Has to do with translating values and strategies into action, i.e., observable behaviors. Note: The tip of the iceberg
Principle-Centered Leadership “In school we ask students to tell us what we told them; we test them on our lectures. They figure out the system, party and procrastinate, then cram and feed it back to us to get the grades. They often think all of life operates on the same short-cut system.” Page 16
Principle-Centered Leadership The Solution: Center on Principles Some problems can’t be “fixed” or solved by common approaches because they are outside or external to the individual. We are subject to natural laws or principles and they operate regardless of our awareness of them or our obedience to them.
Principle-Centered Leadership The Solution: Center on Principles The law of the farm - a farmer reaps what he sows. But there is more to farming than simply planting the right kind of seed. Farmers must fertilize and irrigate. They must get rid of the weeds and keep the pests away. A good farmer applying the proper farming techniques can yield a much bigger crop than one who simply tosses seed.
Principle-Centered Leadership The Solution: Center on Principles The law of the farm – Once the farmer has planted the seed, he can’t change the crop. Even the best fertilizer and irrigation can’t grow corn from cotton seed. That’s because in farming, everything grows from the seed.
Principle-Centered Leadership The Solution: Center on Principles Everything we have in life comes from what we do, and everything we do comes from how we think. Thus, the seeds of our life are our thoughts. Just as the farmer has no choice over the crop once he has chosen the seed, we have no choice over what our life produces once we have chosen our thoughts.
Our Thoughts Are Our Seeds Key Idea We can rise above almost anything. In fact, there is only one thing we cannot rise above. That one thing is the quality of our thought. Nothing in life can keep us down except our own thinking.