+ Welcome Using Technology to Improve Student Engagement by Tom Bresnahan Assistant Principal Millbury
+ Introduction Using Video Scribe Video Scribe
+ Downloading the QR Reader Android Phone- go to play store on phone and download a free QR Reader. I like QR Code Reader. id.client&hl=en iPhone- * QR Reader for iPhone or Quick Scan- QR Reader iphone/id ?mt=8 reader/id ?mt=8
+ Please click on this QR code to see if your smartphone is working. Remember to download a free QR Reader 1 st. If it doesn’t work, try a different reader. My Twitter site should pop up!
+ Why QR Codes in Schools? Teaches a relevant skill students can use everywhere. Where are they used? em-50-creative-uses-of-qr-codes.html em-50-creative-uses-of-qr-codes.html Helps increase student engagement, fun, can increase collaboration, and infuses technology into lessons.
+ Faculty Agenda- What I shared Ahead of Time. Goals 1. Introduce everyone to a technological application that can be used in classes to increase blended learning. 2. Give you another modality to use for student engagement. Some may use QR Codes in classes already, so maybe I can share a few other ways to use them. This will be a type of flipped lesson - I will provide the directions to you now along with video tutorial and other resources so you can come to the meeting ready to participate in the QR Code challenge. Please follow the directions below and see reference links. Please sit with your department during the faculty meeting. Please download a free QR Reader on your smart phone. If you don't have a smart phone, someone in your department will probably have one. 1. Go to apps on phone, download it, and try it with the QR Code I sent in the attachment below to see if it works. There are many kinds. I like QR Code Reader for Android. iPhone has some other Apps. You can always delete the APP afterwards if you choose to. There will be 8 QR Codes to decipher as a group and one exit ticket QR Code when you leave. You only need one smart phone per team but if you have more, you will be able to answer the questions faster.
+ Agenda Continued Each department will be one team, and you will have 10 minutes to decipher and answer the questions. You will write the answers on a piece of paper that I will provide. The team that answers the most questions the fastest wins the challenge. Sheets will be turned into me as soon as they are complete. There will be a prize to the winning team. We will peer grade the answers, and if there is a tie for correct answers, the team that submitted it first will win the tiebreaker. The 8 questions will be from art, music, physical education, English/business, history, science, and math, and foreign language. When aligning the QR Reader to the QR Code, you should stand over the paper and align the reader to the four corners of the code and wait a second or two for it to read it. After the game, I will quickly review the PowerPoint slides I sent you, the QRCode Monkey site (it creates QR Codes), and a couple references I listed. The QR Code exit ticket will be posted in 4 different locations to speed up the process. You can submit it individually and or as a team. If you have any questions, please send me an . The video, PowerPoint slides and references in the below attachment should help. Again, this is a type of flipped lesson.
+ Trivia question QR Codes. You can take these and paste them to word to make handout sheets. Science, Art, History, PE
+ Trivia Questions Continued Music, English/Business, Foreign Language, Math
+ Answers To the QR Code Challenge Question #1 Science- How many bones are in a normal, complete, human skeleton? Answer: 206 Question #2 History- What is the name of this famous structure? Answer: Arc de Triomphe Question #3 Art- What style of art is this painting? Answer: Abstract Question #4 Collaborate, discuss, and write down the major errors in weightlifting techniques from this video. Answer: Man is bouncing bar off chest, bar is touching too low, not extending arms fully during press, no spotter, and arching lower back, no collars being used. Must get 4 or more of these listed.
Question #5 Music- Name the two classifications of Wind Instruments. Answer: wood-wind and brass Question #6 English/Business- What are some economic and social costs of illiteracy? Answer: poverty, unemployment, dependence on welfare, crime, social exclusion, long-term illness, poor hygiene and nutrition, increased chances of contracting STD’s. Question #7 Foreign Language- What German Speaking country has 4 official languages? Answer: B. Switzerland Question #8 Math- Can you find four whole numbers that multiply together to equal 2001? Answer: 1, 3, 23, 29
+ How to Make QR Codes 1.Visit QRCODE Monkey- I like this one the best. ** Here is a You Tube link explaining QRCODE Monkey Here is a list of 9 others. Kaywa is also widely used. codes-the-best-10-qr-code-generators.html
+ Great Resources Cybrary Man's Educational Web Sites 50 QR Code resources for the classroom the-classroom/
+ Prize to Winning Team
+ Kahoot Is a Free Game Based learning platform used in over 180 countries. Often used for Formative Assessments and student collaboration Is very easy to use It works with any device with internet connection The results from quizzes are stored Players are not required to have accounts. They create and enter a nickname.
+ What if they pick inappropriate nicknames? The teacher can also pick nicknames for them. Helps with tracking assessments as well.
+ Kahoot Log In Teacher Log In Player Log In – They type Kahoot.it in their browser
+ Other Kahoot Tutorial Links resource-kahoot/ resource-kahoot/ and-primary-sources-its-hoot.html and-primary-sources-its-hoot.html
+ 6 Alternative Ways to use Kahoot Use as an introduction for new concepts Reflect on past lessons, discussions, concepts Practice by reinforcement of material. Students can create their own Kahoots- take ownership! Can connect to other classes, states, countries –Global lessons. Try using with family and friends. teachers-to-engage-students teachers-to-engage-students
+ Socrative What is it? It is a Free web-based interface that helps teachers with formative assessments and classroom engagement. Application was created by educators! It can be used on both Android and iOS devices. Can create quizzes, exit tickets, a fun space race game (competition), and reports to analyze the results.
+ How to Log On Teacher Log In- Can download APP for cell or go to website below. php php Student Log In- m.socrative.com Students can also download APP for cell. Can Download these APPS
+ How does it work? Teacher uses a device to create the assessments A room name is given to the students to use on their device- phone, iPad, laptop, PC, etc.
+ Other Socrative Resources Videos Online Links socrative-as-formative.html socrative-as-formative.html socrative-lesson-ideas/ socrative-lesson-ideas/
+ Thank You For Viewing & Participating in My Presentation! I hope it was useful to everyone