Learning to Learn Found on the internet. A project.from a University of West Georgia student. Website address lost.
Learning Styles Assessments
Or What’s My Learning Style?
You’ve Been Doing a Lot of Learning Over The Years You’ve learned a lot since “back in the day.”
Think of Where You Started
The Fun You’ve Had Along the Way
The Things You’ve Learned
You walk You talk You add You subtract You multiply You read You spell You hit a baseball
You drive a car You surf the net You passed algebra You balance a checkbook You know how to make friends and keep them You learned to speak a foreign language You graduated from high school You have what it takes to get into college You are AMAZING!
You’ve come a long way! From to
Learning It doesn’t always happen in the classroom –but you knew that.
What a Brain! How Do You Do It?
Let’s Unlock the Secret of how you learn
Take the Quiz 1. You have just understood for the first time how to work a math problem. Which of these comments would you think or say? a. I can see now how it works! b. The problem is clear as a bell. c. This sure feels good.
Take the Quiz 2.When watching a suspenseful TV program or movie, what affects you the most? a. What you see or expect to see. b. The music. c. Your own feelings of being afraid, anxious, scared.
Take the Quiz 3.Your boy/girlfriend or beloved family member wants to celebrate your birthday. What would be most fun to you? a. Going to see your favorite movie. b. Hearing them tell you how much they love and appreciate you. c. Going roller skating, bowling, or dancing.
Take the Quiz 4.When you think back to the events of September 11, 2001, what stands out in your mind the most? a. The smoke billowing from the towers. b. The stories of people interviewed. c. The fear and sadness you felt that day.
Take the Quiz 5.If someone asked you for directions to the UWG student center, which method would you prefer to use? a.Draw a map on paper. b.Tell the person the directions. c.Personally escort them to the center.
Take the Quiz 6.When you’re thinking about buying a new cell phone which of the characteristics listed below is most important to you? a. The way it looks. b. What the salesperson tells you about it. c. How it feels in your hand and how easy the controls are to use.
Take the Quiz 7.Which statement is most sincere? a. “That shirt makes you look good, but it’s a little tight.” b. “I like your singing, but you sound a bit off key.” c. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, but I don’t want to go out with you.”
Take the Quiz 8.What do you enjoy most about your favorite dessert (or other food, if you don’t like desserts)? a. You really like the way it looks sitting in front of you. b. Just talking about it makes you hungry. c. You enjoy the aroma and the taste.
Take the Quiz 9.If this were your last day on Earth (you are not going to die, just move to Mars), which of the following would you enjoy the most? a.Seeing a sunset. b.Hearing the ocean splash against the rocks. c.Tumbling down a hillside in some thick, soft grass.
Count how many A’s you have Count how many B’s you have Count how many C’s you have
How DO you process information? Another way to ask this is “How do you learn?” More A’s = Visual More B’s = Auditory More C’s = Kinesthetic
Knowing your learning style gives you a secret weapon!
Different Strokes for Different Folks Some folks learn differently than others.
How DO YOU Learn? V A K Are you a VISUAL, AUDITORY, or KINESTHETIC Learner?
So what does it mean to be a VISUAL Learner ?
Visual Learner Likes to see things to learn about them »Reads, reads, reads even the labels on shampoo bottles and cereal boxes »Likes maps, diagrams, outlines, watching videos »Bored by long verbal explanations Remembers things by picturing them in mind.
How do you know a Visual Learner? Breaths from top of lungs. Often well groomed. May be a neat nik. When talking, draws pictures with hands, trying to keep up with pictures in head. Needs space when talking. Talks quickly. Uses hands while talking. Drives other, non-visual people crazy by talking so fast!
Visual Learner – You can tell one by choice of words… “I see what you mean.” “Looks good.” “I get the picture.” “I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.” “Watch it!” “See you later.”
Visual Learners Good spellers. Memorize by seeing pictures and words. Trouble sometimes remembering verbal instructions. Rather read than be read to, especially instructions. Notice how others look at them. Can be well organized. Drive other, non-visual people crazy by talking so fast! Can recall answers to test questions by remembering where the information is on the page of the textbook.
So what does it mean to be an Auditory Learner?
Auditory Learner Very sensitive to sounds Hears things others don’t like: the buzz of lights air conditioning pencil tapping Likes listening to –Music –Voices –Sounds –Lectures Remember things by thinking about what was said.
How do you know an Auditory Learner? Breathes from middle of chest Talks to self Moves lips when reading Repeats things back to you easily Offended/attracted by sounds more than sights Sensitive to voice inflections, likes being told how well doing, responds to tone of voice Covers ears when watching scary movie Talks clearly, distinctly Good actor, d.j., teacher
Auditory Learner Says or writes things like –“I hear what you mean, dude.” –“That rings a bell.” –“Sounds right to me.” –“I hear what you’re saying.” –“That clicks.” –“Good to talk to you.”
So What does it mean to be a Kinesthetic Learner? Two kinds of feelings: body and emotions
Kinesthetic Learner Uses sense of Touch and Body to learn. Likes hands on activities, Experiments, working at chalk board, working with a model. You’re probably the best dancer! Remembers events by how felt at the time.
How do you know a Kinesthetic Learner? Says things like: –“I can handle that.” –“That’s a hard thing to do.” –“I got a hold on it.” –“You’ve got a good grasp of that concept.” –“That’s really smooth/sweet.” –“Let’s keep in touch.” –“Catch you later.”
Body Language –Breathes from bottom of lungs –Posture more slumped over –Moves and talks verrryyy slooowwwwlllly –Responds to physical rewards and touching –Stands close to people and touches them. –Moves a lot. –Tends to look down –Hands usually kept down –Drives visual people crazy and vice versa Kinesthetic Learner
How do you know a Kinesthetic Learner? Says things like: –“I can handle that.” –“That’s a hard thing to do.” –“That’s really smooth/sweet.” –“Catch you later.” Body Language Talks slowly Tends to look down Hands usually kept down Drives visual people crazy and vice versa
Which Learning Style are You? Visual?
Learning Style Study Tips
Read, read; write, write; draw, draw – create something visual Pictures, diagrams It’s a good thing when professor passes out handouts & writes on board You take detailed written notes from textbooks and in class Remember information by creating pictures in your mind. Visual Learner
Use post its, flash cards. Put them on your mirror, around the room Look at them! When trying to remember things, close your eyes to get a “picture” or image of the information to facilitate recall or use flash cards with limited information so that you can "picture" details and concepts
Auditory Go to lectures Tape lectures (ask permission, first) Listen to tapes of lectures Talk to yourself when you study the material Say it out loud. Tape it. Listen to the tapes. Tell other people about the information.
memorize vocabulary by saying the words appreciate poetry by "dramatizing" it verbally edit papers by reading the text aloud talk through math problems to arrive at solutions Listen, listen, listen Organize or join a study group Keep auditory distractions to a minimum! They’ll get in the way of your learning something new. Auditory
Kinesthetic Create models. Move objects that represent things to learn. Remember kinesthetic is internal feeling also, so watch your MOOD: Set a positive mood for yourself to study in. Select the appropriate time, environment, and attitude.
Kinesthetic Use rhythm to memorize. When you study avoid anger, hunger, frustration. Be comfortable, move around, pace. Goldilocks: not too warm, not too cold, just right!
Learning StylesLearning Styles They are your strength. Work on non-strength, but go with your strength when stressed, or in a time pinch. Keep in mind when choosing classes and professors When you choose a major and future career, keep your style firmly in mind!
Use it to get to where you want to go! To Graduation and Beyond!