Unit 2 Day 23 English IV
Do-Now Have HW (5-8 pieces of most important info) on desk while taking the quiz. If you finish early, sit at your desk quietly and turn your quiz over.
Announcements: Next journals due Monday, December 2 nd. Have library cards by December 2 nd Reminder: POL Speech by 5:00 PM TODAY And… the groups that got the most votes for the strongest presentations…. 3 rd place: Scott and Bebeto (malnutrition) 2 nd place: Cesar and Luis (human trafficking) and the winners are…. Venessa, Gizel, and Jessica for an engaging and informative presentation about tobacco use! You all did a great job with these!
Prayer (Janet) next Monday: Saiku, Tuesday: Dennis
SWBAT… explain the problems of teen/single parenting
Single Fathers Men make up a growing share of single parent householders. 2 In 1960, about 14% of single parent households were headed by fathers, today almost one-quarter (24%) are. 2 Single fathers are more likely than single mothers to be living with a cohabiting partner (41% versus 16%). Single fathers, on average, have higher incomes than single mothers and are far less likely to be living at or below the poverty line—24% versus 43%. Single fathers are also somewhat less educated than single mothers, older and more likely to be white. fathers/
THE PRICE IS RIGHT! How much does a child UNDER TWO cost every year? (NOT including savings for college) A) $10-15,000 B) Over $20,000 C) $5-10,000 D) $15-20,000 A) $10-15,000 every year How much does a child UNDER TWO cost every year? (NOT including savings for college) A) $0-10,000 B) $10-20,000 C) $20-30,000 D) Over $30,000 B) $10-20,000
Sharing is Caring. Everyone stand up and move to the back of the room All of the people who did the “Introduction” information packet about teen pregnancy should take seats around the room– do not cluster into a group. All of the people who did the “Federal Programs to Reduce Teen Pregnancy” section should go to sit by someone who had the “Introduction” section. “Federal Programs to Prevent Teen Pregnancy” people need to find a group now too. SHARE YOUR FINDINGS! You will be questioned on these afterward at random.
Questions: Have teen birth rates increased or decreased over the years? What are three negative consequences for teen parents? How much does teen childbearing cost taxpayers every year? What are two main reasons for the high pregnancy and birth rates among teens in the US? From , what kind of sex ed was being taught in schools? Why was this being taught? From 2009-present day, how has sex ed changed? Why has it changed? What are three types of entities that are eligible for funding to prevent pregnancy? Is it easy to get funding for these programs? What must they show to get funding? What are three of the things that a teen pregnancy program must do to be effective?