ANTIQUITY One of oldest city in the world. Dates to 1500 BC Ruled by different Empires Kabul’s defensive wall
ISLAMIZATION, MONGOL AND MUGHAL INVASION Islamic conquest in 642 AD Mongolians devastated the city in the 13 th century 1504, Kabul was captured by the Mughal Empire Captured by Persians in 1738 Gain independence in 1747 Becomes capital of Afghanistan in 1770’s
DURRANI EMPIRE AND WESTERN INFLUENCE Becomes the focus of foreign powers Seek control of the Khyber Pass First and second Anglo- Afghan War
EARLY 20 TH CENTURY King Amanullah Khan rose to power Modernization of city Kabul university open in 1932 Soviet supports Tourist attraction Liberilization
LATE 20 TH CENTURY, EARLY 21 ST CENTURY In 1973, Monarchy in Afghanistan was removed. In 1978, a coup d'état remove the communist from power. In 1979, Afghan President is assasinated by Soviet Spetsnaz. Soviet forces invade Afghanistan on December 24 th, Soviets leave Afghanistan on February 15 th, Civil War Taliban Control October 2001, NATO forces take control of Kabul
WHAT WAS THE MOST INTERESTING ABOUT YOUR RESEARCH? Soviet Invasion Peaceful to war zone Creation of terrorism Different rulers ruling Kabul during Antiquity
HOW DID YOUR RESEARCH ENHANCE YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF AFGHANISTAN? Improved knowledge Reduce assumptions and stereotypes Learned about important landmark Learned about background history
HOW DID YOU DECIDE TO ORGANIZE YOUR INFORMATION? Historical timeline Difficulty summarizing all the information available Fit everything in only five slides Included only what is important
WORKS CITED Iraj Bashiri. “Kabul” Web. Accessed "Kabul: City of lost glories". BBC News. November 12, Web. Accessed “Kabul History” Lovely Planet. Web. Accessed Sir H. M. Elliot. "A.—The Hindu Kings of Kábul". London: Packard Humanities Institute. 1867–1877. Accessed “Kabul History”. Afghanistan Culture. Accessed “Kabul, Afghanistan” Accessed