1 EPC/RFID 系統架構與案例分析 RFID 課程主題三
2 課程內容 EPC/RFID 系統架構建置 網路元素的運作原理 指標性案例分享
3 EPC Technologies Electronic product code (EPC): an unique code for each object RFID Tag RFID reader Object Name Service( ONS) : each number corresponds with an address in database Product Markup Language(PML): In PML server, PML is used to describe and store information about the item. Savant: can work as a router, it get EPC information from the RFID reader, send the information to ONS Server and combine with application program for management of the item.
4 EPC 網路架構 1
5 EPC 網路架構 2
6 EPC 網路架構 3
7 EPC 網路架構 4
8 EPC 網路架構 5
9 EPC C1G2 全名 EPC Class 1 Generation 2 Four “sessions”, each of which have their own Access and Kill passwords Four memory “banks”
10 Defined Gen 2 Requirements Dozens of the world’s leading retail supply chain organizations defined Gen 2 user requirements
11 Four sessions “Inventoried” flag “Select” (SL) flag Only one “inventory” (identify) operation at a time
12 Access and Kill passwords Used to restrict reading and writing EPC code is returned during inventory Kill operation is permanent
13 Four memory banks Reserved (Bank 0) EPC (Bank 1) TID (Tag ID) (Bank 2) User (Bank 3)
14 Memory Bank 0 (Reserved) Reserved memory (bank 0) contains the kill and access passwords The kill password occupies bytes 0-1 (MSB first) The access password occupies bytes 2-3 (MSB first) If a tag does not implement the kill and/or access passwords, it acts as though it had zero-valued passwords that are permanently read/write locked
15 Detailed Content of Bank 1 (EPC) Contains CRC-16, Protocol Control (PC), and EPC code PC bits specify EPC length in 16-bit words EPC code begins at byte 3 (EPC header) Caution: EPC C1 G2 uses 16-bit data words on even boundaries, so you must format and write a proper PC word to write the EPC! CRC-16PCEPC less header 64- or 96-bit EPC code
16 Detailed Content of Bank 1 (EPC) Length is expressed in units of words, so 6 is the length of EPC-96 RFU is always zero EPCISO bit is zero for EPC NSI (Number System ID) is used only if EPCISO bit is 1 To avoid all this, use “WRITE EPCID=Hxxx…xxx” with BRI
17 Detailed Content of Bank 1 (EPC) 1 byte EPC Header CRC-16Length RFU Zero Fill 64- or 96-Bit EPC PC (Bytes 2-3)CRC (Bytes 0-1) NSI 1 byte EPCISO Bit Bytes 4-n
18 Memory Bank 2 (Tag ID) Contains an 8-bit ISO/IEC allocation class identifier (0xE2 for EPCglobal) in byte 0 The next 12 bits are a mask-designer identifier (manufacturer ID) (obtained from EPCglobal) The 12 bits after the manufacturer is a 12-bit tag model. The manufacturer ID and tag model must provide sufficient information for a reader to uniquely identify the custom commands and/or optional features that a tag supports Bytes 4 and up may contain Tag- and vendor- specific data such as a tag serial number IEC ID (0xE2) Manufacturer IDTag ModelTag Serial Number 8 bits12 bits Vendor-specific
19 Memory Bank 3 (User) Organization and use is user-defined Memory capacity determined by chip manufacturer
20 案例分享 Auto Receiving /Shipping Fork Lift Application Drug Counterfeit & ePedigree Wal*Mart 廢棄物處理 RFID 應用
21 Auto Receiving /Shipping Wal-Mart Mandate Metro Mandate Target Mandate Real CasesBenefits 減少清點每箱貨物的 時間 與 ASN 比較用以減少 補貨時間及成本 減少尋找貨物時間 增加客戶滿意度
22 Gate reader
23 Fork Lift Application Dock Door 1 Dock Door 20 Cost Savings $
24 貨架天線擺設
25 Forklift Related Application Worley 3PL Real Cases Benefits 減少盤點時間 減少建置閘門式 Reader 之固定成本 減少尋找貨物時間 增加客戶滿意度 C B A S1 S2 S3 Pick Go to S3 Return to Receiving
26 Drug Counterfeit & ePedigree 100,000 Tags used 1 st counterfeit Project in Asia Purdue Pharma & H.D. Smith Pilot
27 Wal*Mart
28 廢棄物處理 RFID 應用 - 收料 廢棄物 With RFIDLabel 廢棄物 With RFIDLabel RFID 讀取模組 電子數位輸出磅秤 GPRS(3-5 km) 電腦列印模組 iPAQ PDA BT(10 m) WLAN(100 m)
29 廢棄物處理 RFID 應用 - 焚化爐管理 廢棄物 With RFID Label & External Barcode Label 廢棄物 With RFID Label & External Barcode Label 電腦控制模組 RFID 天線 x4 RFID 外接天線模組 WLAN(100m) AP Data Server