Zbyněk Saloň Exchange 2013 – Autodiscover - Overview
Content What is Autodiscover How it works How it works for client in domain How it works for client outside domain and client using DNS Autodiscover sequence
Autodiscover – what is autodiscover(1) us/library/bb124251(v=exchg.150).aspx us/library/bb124251(v=exchg.150).aspx Client autoconfiguration service serving: Outlook 2007, 2010, 2013 Cell phones WP6.1 and others (see manual) Provide clients with information about Exchange services end points Primary SMTP mailbox is used while configuring Outlook profile
Autodiscover – what is autodiscover (2) Easy Outlook profile reconfiguration (no manual work since Outlook 2007 anymore) Administrator doesn’t have to make manual changes in case of changes in user´s profile
Autodiscover – Overview (1) Outlook gets information about connection endpoint to user mailbox from Autodiscover service, which consist of mailbox GUID + domain portion of primary SMTP address. Autodiscover returns following information Display name Service endpoints to connect Exchange from outside and inside organization Server name (Exchange 2010), GUID (Exchange 2013) where user mailbox is active URLs to Exchange web services like (Free/Busy, EWS, OAB, UM) Outlook Anywhere settings Outlook is checking mailbox configuration differences periodically
Autodiscover – Overwiew (2) Test:(Outlook icon -> CTRL + right click -> Test AutoConfiguration -> enter primary SMTP address)
Autodiscover – Overview (3)
Autodiscover – How it works(1) After CAS role installation new virtual directory for Autodiscover service is created under Default WEB Site a and reply to client Autodiscover requests When mailbox changes occur(mailbox move, user name change, and so on) During periodical check During reconnect within network changes in Exchange organization
Autodiscover – How it works from domain(2) We expect client to be member of the domain accessing it from internal network (VPN or directly) We expect access to AD SCP (Service Connection Point) is created fo reach CAS server SCP contains autoritative list of URLs per forest To set SCP: Set-ClientAccessServer All users from domain needs to have READ permission for SCP record. It is done automatically within SCP us/library/ms677638(v=vs.85).aspxhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en- us/library/ms677638(v=vs.85).aspx
Autodiscover – how it works from domain (3) SCP setting example on CAS server
Autodiscover – how it works from domain(4) SCP in AD
Autodiscover – how it works outside domain, DNS (1) Access to Autodoscover via primary SMTP address SRV record and A record pointing to autodiscover URL is needed for Outlook clients Pro Outlook
Autodiscover – how it works outside domain, DNS (2) DNS settings A record to IP of server providing Autodiscover service maily.salonovi.cz IN A SRV record on TCP and Autodiscover pointing ti A record from point above
Autodiscover – process of getting info Client goes through the following records unless it gets first result. Client in AD Cheching SCP and if present, contact Autodiscover URL Not in AD Ověřuje postupně tyto záznamy dokud jeden z nich neodpoví r.xml SRV record FAILED
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