Table of Contents Table of Contents Background Information Background Information Background Information Types of Organisms Types of Organisms Types of Organisms Food Chains Food Chains Food Chains Food Webs Food Webs Food Webs Food for Thought Food for Thought Food for Thought Web Resources Web Resources Web Resources
Background: The basis of the study of ecology are interactions between organisms with other organisms and with their physical environment. Every ecosystem is composed of numerous food chains and food webs. All organisms on earth survive through a transfer of energy by participating in a food chain and food web. The marine ecosystem has perhaps the most intricate and complex food chains and web system. Back to Table of Contents Back to Table of Contents
Types of Organisms: Producers: Organisms that make their own food through photosynthesis. Consumers: Organisms that eat other organisms. Consumer Levels: Primary,Secondary,Tertiary 3 Types: Herbivore-eats only producers Carnivore-eats only consumers Carnivore-eats only consumers Omnivore-eats both producers & consumers Omnivore-eats both producers & consumers Decomposers: Organisms that eat dead plants and animals, as well as animal wastes (occurs on all levels). Ex: Bacteria,Scavengers Back to Table of Contents Back to Table of Contents
What is a Food Chain? Describes a group of organisms within an ecosystem, each of which is dependent on another for food and the transfer of energy.
Food Chain Example: Sea grass Loggerhead Turtle Hammerhead shark *Note: Arrows indicate direction of food (energy) flow. Producer Consumers Table of Contents
What is a Food Web? A collage of interrelated food chains in an ecosystem that outline the feeding relationships between various plants and animals.
Food Web Example: ZooplanktonPhytoplankton Barrel Sponge Loggerhead Turtle Barracuda Reef Fish Manatee Black tip Reef Shark PRODUCERS CONSUMERS DECOMPOSERS Throughout web Table of Contents
Food For Thought Would humans fit into a food web? Where? What would happen if one or more of the organisms were removed in a food web? Can you create your own marine food web?
Continuing Education with Web Resources: Food Webs and Challenges of the Marine Communities Marine Food Webs in the Galapagos Table of Contents
Works Cited: Images from