John Dies at the End David Wong Created by Destiny Templeton.
“Wong is the most common surname in the world. You try to Google it, you’ve got loads of results to sift through before you get to me.“ p.22 David Wong, the main character and first person narrator, is insecure and distant. He doesn’t want people to find him: know about him. The quote above shows how he tries to go below the radar. The text reveals that he was adopted and never knew his parents, just about them. That could contribute to his dismissive behavior towards them and his insecurities.
“If any of you try to move, that thing will rip off all of your limbs, leave you alive and plant five hundred eggs in your belly.” p.111 The conflict here is the guy saying the quote above, Justin White. Justin is one of Korrok’s evil minions. Just by reading the quote you know that this guy means dirty business. White is another one of the antagonist, his role was to kidnap David while trying to take them to Korrok.
“The Jamaican guy spat acid on her hand. The muscle and bone fell apart, just, like, dripped off like wax.” p.101 The Jamaican guys name was Robert Marley. He’s the one that introduced the “soy sauce” to David, the cause of the conflict in the entire story. Marley was one of the antagonists until he died. The quote above explains some of the evil things he could do while on the “soy sauce.”
“Korrok was a young god, he told me, hotheaded and prone to fits of rage if not pleased.” p. 185 Korrok is the main antagonist. The quote above describes him. Korrok likes to torture and everything evil. The belief of God and Christ is his weakness.
“I was at a restaurant called ‘They China Food!’ which was owned by a couple of brothers from the Czech Republic who, as far as I could tell, didn’t know a whole lot about China or food.” p.19 David told his story in the restaurant. The entire time he stayed there. The main setting of the story of a story.
“No. We’re at the trailer park. Finally. Which one is Robert’s?” p.70 Robert’s place is where David understood what soy sauce was and found the monster-thing that made it.
“ ‘I know where he’s going… and I’ll tell you if you promise to take us with you. And not to shoot me again.’ He sucked in a breath, scanning the faces of our group. Finally he said ok. ‘Luxor Hotel. Don’t ask me how I know.’ “ p. 113 In Luxor Hotel there’s a meeting, which turns bad. The significance of this setting is the point of them fighting off the soy sauce makers in the lobby.
“My name is David, by the way. Um, hi. I once saw a man’s kidney grow tentacles, tear itself out of a ragged hole in his back and go slapping across my kitchen floor.” p.20 By david introducing us he shows he is the narrator of the story of which he tells us.
“I walked right into a girl, broadsided her, felled her like a tree. I saw, to my horror, that is was Jennifer Lopez.... I guess I should point out that this was not the famous Jennifer Lopez, but rather a local girl I was fond of who happened to have the same name.” p.32 David is an unreliable narrator. Throughout the entire book he has biased opinions and exaggerates some points. Alike to Jennifer Lopez.
“That’s the One Ball Inn, a bar downtown. Don’t ask.” p.33 A lot of the times David gives us his thoughts on things. Showing with biased dripping over what he said. Again referring to the unreliable narrator.
I think the others purpose to provide entertaining horror. When you read the book you’re not sure whether or not to laugh or take it serious but most of the time you’ll laugh anyway. With David Wongs unusual experiences he shares you’ll be laughing while trying to piece together what he's describing. For example he calls some of the evil creatures wig monsters.