P RESENTED BY : “T HE D ANCE D IVAS C OMMITTEE ” Amanda Carbine & Melanie Fedrigotti CIS
D IFFERENT T YPES O F D ANCES W E ’ LL L EARN Tango Salsa Waltz Swing Cha-Cha Rumba Merengue
I TEMS W E ’ LL R EQUIRE S TUDENTS T O B RING Shoes Costumes Make-up
E VENTS W E W OULD H AVE F OR D ANCERS Dance performances to showcase dancers Charity events for schools, community centers, community theatres, etc. Have guest teachers come help dancers in some of the sessions. “Open House” dance nights where other students can come see how our dancers are doing and participate.
P LACES THE D ANCERS W OULD T RAVEL T O Dance Competitions Dance Showcases Ballroom Performances To See Professional Performances Charity Events
B ENEFITS O F H AVING A B ALLROOM D ANCE C LUB It’s good exercise without having to get too worked up. It’s a good way for students to interact with each other. The dances that will be learned could come in handy for the student someday. Examples - Dates, parties, weddings, etc.
M EETING D AYS /T IMES We would meet twice a week for 2 hours each meeting. We will schedule in more rehearsals when we have a show or competition coming up. Members must come to scheduled meetings in order to remain a member of the club, unless they let a member of the committee know ahead of time. (You need to be present in order to learn the dance.)
W HY A B ALLROOM D ANCE C LUB W OULD B E F UN F OR T HE S TUDENTS Ballroom dancing is a fun way to meet and interact with other students. Teaches you how to interact with members of the opposite sex. Ballroom dancing gives you a confidence; it teaches you not only dance, but balance and patience. Patience is key when learning ballroom because you will need to be patient with your partner while learning the dance. Members will learn how to teach dance as well. The partners will learn to help each other with the dance parts that they are having issues with.
F OR F URTHER I NFORMATION … For any questions, comments, or concerns, please us at We thank you for your consideration! -The Dance Divas Committee