FOOD and MOOD Exploring the connection between what we eat and how we feel Sophie Dallender
Workshop Aims How food influences our mood Which foods cause a problem Which foods can help How to change your diet for the better
Do you ever feel….? fatigued irritable that you crave sweet foods/drinks have a need for regular snacks a lapse in mood or concentration light-headed ‘butterflies’ in the stomach for no apparent reason
Blood-sugar Balance Regular fluctuations in mood and energy are often linked to highs and lows in blood sugar levels A major contributor to this pattern is diet Certain foods can produce extreme changes This see-saw motion between peaks and troughs can add to the pressure felt from external stresses
Therefore maintaining an even blood sugar level is a key way of helping to improve your mood
Glycemic Index This ranks carbohydrates on a scale from 0-100, according to the extent to which they raise blood sugar levels after eating Low scoring foods release sugars into the body at as slower rate = steady flow of energy/ stable moods/ delay hunger High scoring foods release sugars into the body quickly = burst of energy/ mood highs followed by lows/ hungry sooner
High, low or medium?
Low GI Foods 0-55Medium GI Foods 56-69High GI Foods 70+ Breads, Grains and Pasta - fruit loaf, multi-grain bread, bulgar wheat, semolina, barley, noodles, al dente pasta Breakfast cereals - All Bran, porridge, Special K Legumes - all beans, chick peas, peas, lentils Starchy vegetables - sweet potato, boiled potatoes Fruit - cherries, grapefruit, peach, dried apricots, apple, pear, plums, orange, grapes, kiwi, banana Vegetables - all of them Other - skimmed milk, plain yoghurt, low-fat fruit yoghurt, soy milk, banana cake, peanuts Breads, Grains and Pasta - sourdough, pitta, wholemeal, rice, overcooked pasta Breakfast cereals - oatmeal, muesli, Shredded Wheat Starchy vegetables - beetroot, new potatoes Fruit - raisons, apricots, mango, pineapple Other - orange juice, Ryvita, croissant, low-fat ice cream, oatmeal cookies, Mars bar, popcorn Breads, Grains and Pasta - instant rice, bagels, white bread Breakfast cereals - Rice Krispies, Cheerios, Weetabix, Cornflakes Starchy vegetables - roast potatoes, mashed potatoes, parsnips, chips Other -jelly beans, doughnuts, waffles, rice cakes, pretzels
Awareness is Key A healthy diet can contain high GI foods Eat them in moderation Avoid eating them on their own Combine them with fibre or protein Or with a low GI food Don’t overcook starches Regular meals
High vs Low GI Meal Low GI - 39High GI - 85
Mood and Food How we feel can influences the food we eat too Stress from external sources steals appetite for good mood food Eat more foods that lack nutrients Levels of natural mood enhancers fall Stress is now exacerbated by internal sources - Adrenaline - Fight or flight response - Cortisol - Long term stress response
Bad Mood Food empty calories additives stimulants depressants refined or processed foods nutrient poor foods not exactly a food but…. skipping meals is definitely a bad idea!
Caffeine and Alcohol Coffee is a stimulant which perks you up but the buzz doesn’t last long. Alcohol is a depressant which blocks out the problem but leaves you feeling dehydrated, tired, and with a headache (hangover!) Increase production of Cortisol - stress hormone
Replace with water Recommendation: Remove from diet or reduce by half
Natural Mood Enhancers Dopamine - stimulating neurotransmitter, reward, motivation and pleasure Serotonin - feel-good neurotransmitter, anxiety buffer Endorphins - amplify pleasure and make pain tolerable GABA - brains natural Valium, relaxing
Good Mood Foods Protein - provide amino acid building blocks fish, poultry, meat, eggs, dairy products Essential fat, omega 3 - keep cells healthy oily fish, walnuts, flaxseed Vitamins, especially B’s and C’s -aid production liver, bananas, avocados, sunflower seeds
Breakfast Eat high fibre breakfast cereals (oats, barley or bran) OR Add fruit, flaxseed or nuts to high GI ones OR Wholemeal toast with poached egg
Lunch/Snacks Baked potato with tuna and salad OR Rice cakes smothered in houmous OR Banana with handful of pumpkin seeds
Dinner Swap white potatoes for sweet potatoes OR Rice with stir-fry chicken and green vegetable OR Frittata made with courgettes and new potatoes
So if you ever feel….? exhausted lacking in motivation easily angered difficulty sleeping waking up anxious over-reacting to life’s everyday stresses as though you can’t cope
Reach for the flaxseed!!
Want to find out more? Search function to check foods GI Recipes The Kitchen Shrink - Natalie Savona