Lord Krishna By Maya Mukerjee
Krishna’s Birth Bhagavan Krishna appeared as the eighth son to Devaki, and Vasudeva in Mathura. He was born in a prison cell in Mathura. His life was in danger from his uncle, king Kamsa. Vasudeva carried Krishna to Gokul and raised by Yashoda and Nanda
Krishna’s mischievious childhood Bala Gopal was very mischievous and found great pleasure in playing with gopis. He would steal milk and butter from them, and even break their earthen pots to get butter. One day Lord Krishna broke all the earthen pots of a gopi in order to get butter. The gopi caught Krishna and went to mother Yashoda to inform of her son's mischievous deeds. But, she was shocked to see Krishna Himself standing next to His mother. Feeling embarrassed she left the place!.
Showing the Universe to Mother Yashoda (as per a legend) One day mother Yashoda was cuddling Lord Krishna and playing with him. The child Krishna lying on his mother's lap yawned and opened his mouth. Mother Yashoda saw the whole universe in his mouth, the sun, the moon and all the stars, the sky, mountains, rivers, islands, oceans, all the continents, all living as well as non living beings.
Who is Krishna? His body color is blue. He has a flute in His hand He wears a yellow silk dhoti and peacock feather crown.dhoti He is the most loved and adored God.
Quiz (for G1 children) 1.To whom was Krishna born in Mathura? 2.Who carried Krishna from Mathura to Gokul? 3.What does Krishna have on His hand? 4.What did mother Yashoda see when Krishna opened His mouth? 5.Why did the gopi who came to complain mother Yashoda left the place embarrassed?
References a.htmlhttp:// a.html
Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare THANK YOU!