Robert Burns
Robert Burns was born on the 25 th of January, 1759 in Ayrshire, Scotland.
Education Robert was home schooled by his dad where he learned reading, writing, math and geography. Later he went to Dalrymple Parish School.
Edinburgh On the 27 th of November 1786, he borrowed a pony and set off to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland.
Burns’ Poetry Robert has written lots of poems over the years he was alive, Here is a list of some of the poems; To A Louse, The Wounded Hare, The Twa Dogs Auld Lang Syne, Address to a Toothache, Address to a Haggis, To a Mouse, A Man's A Man for A' That, Scots Wha Hae, Tam O'Shanter, Halloween and The Battle of Sherramuir All of these poems contain some or ALOT of Scotch words like twa, tae, wee, laddie and lassie.
The death of Robert Burns Robert Burns died on the 21 st of July 1796 aged 37 at Dumfries, Scotland. His final resting place is The Robert Burns Mausoleum, Michael's Churchyard, Dumfries, Scotland.
Robert Burns now Robert Burns is now not just remembered by Scots, but also globally. On the 25 th of January people celebrate Burns Day, it is a big supper including the traditional haggis, reading Burns’ poems and telling stories. There are a lot of Burns Clubs that hold these special suppers at a local hall or restaurant.
Thanks for reading my report! =] I hope you learned more about Robert Burns! By Nick