What is Pesach? Outcomes: To show your understand of the significance of the Pesach festival and the Seder Meal To explain why the Pesach festival is still so important to so many Jews today. Skill objective: To consider the influence of circumstances, beliefs and feelings on decisions and events
Starter: Think of meal that has been special to you and think why? What was remembered? Passover or Pesach as it is sometimes called is a Jewish festival celebrated in Spring time. The main part of the Passover celebration is the meal. This is called the Seder. The special order of the Seder meal is written down in the Hagadah, this tells the story of the Exodus. The celebration is called ‘passover’ because it reminds the Jews of the last of the ten plagues, when the angel of death passed over the Jews and killed the Egyptians first born.
Seder Meal arningzone/clips/the- passover- story/6599.html arningzone/clips/the- passover- story/6599.html
Literacy dice Get into a group of 4 Read through page 30-31of Skills in RS Book 1 Use the literacy dice to guide which activities you will complete. Each member of the group needs to work on a different number. Once you are ready to feedback to your group, explain what your task was, and what you have found out. Pass the Q card around the group – taking it in turns to ask questions about what has been found out. Make sure each member of the group has an account of each activity.
Extension work: Draw and label a picture of the Seder plate and its contents. Use p30 to help you. The Seder plate reminds the Jews of the Exodus from Egypt. What ingredients would you have on your plate to remind you of your journey from Primary to Secondary school?
Plenary Carpas- Parsley Charoset Roasted egg Maror- bitter herbs Bone Sacrifices made in the temple The bitterness of being in Slavery. The sweetness of freedom. Represents the sacrificial lamb Spring
Reviewing your progress – use these prompts to help you at the end of each lesson What have you learnt this lesson? Facts – e.g Ideas/viewpoints Similarities/differences - diversity Key words/concepts Examples of how religion affects the world around us – e.g. culture What contribution to your learning did you make? Contributed to class discussion Worked in a pair/group Organised my time well Found out information for myself Answered thoroughly and thoughtfully Completed extension task Monitored my progress Peer/ self assessed work How did you learn it? Research work Discussion Questioning Pairs/ group work - collaborative Independent learning Using technology e.g video/ internet What do you need to do in order to make further progress? Do further research Background reading Develop my writing technique Contribute more in class Proof read my work Give examples to back up my ideas Make connections between different beliefs and faiths