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Goal of Certification A world-class education in the essentials of church leadership and management. Both newbies and old pros will benefit from the content, the interaction with others and the assignments about their local church.
Target Audience Pastors Senior, Executive & Associate Directors Finance, HR & Directors Governing Boards Elders, Deacons & Church Treasurers
Levels of Certification Level 1—Operations Level 2—Ministry Strategy Level 3—Executive Functions
11 Webinar Discussions Hiring—David Lyons. April 22 Hiring, part 2—Dr. Bill Egner. April 29 Compensation—Sutton Turner. May 6 Compensation—Brad Leeper. May 8 Compensation—David Fletcher. May 13 Reviews—Dr. Paul Utnage. May 20
Webinar discussions, cont. Terminations—Jon Wright. May 28 Terminations, part 2—Daniel Rolfe. June 3 Staffing Plans & MultiSite— Jim Tomberlin. June 10 HR Policy—Eric Rojas. June 17 HR Policy, part 2—Matt Anthony & David Middlebrook. June 24
Today’s Class Part 1—Introduction, 10 min. Part 2—Interactive Lecture with David Lyons, 40 min. Part 3—Q & A, 30 min.
Staffing, Class 4a: Compensation The concept of generosity is given by Jesus in Luke 6:38, “Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, will overflow.” What does it mean to have generosity, even a culture of generosity with a church staff? This discussion will be set in the midst of the practical nature of determining raises. For the Q&A time, bring considerations about what biblical generosity is and how it might be reflected in your church.
Required Reading The Top 10 Generosity Issues Every Church Should Consider for 2013 by Brad Leeper campaigns/the-top-10-generosity-issues-every-church- should-consider-for-2013/ Making Unusual Generosity the New Normal by Brad Leeper campaigns/making-unusual-generosity-the-new-normal
Suggested Reading Contagious Generosity: Creating a Culture of Giving in Your Church by Chris Willard & Jim Sheppard
Suggested Reading Articles by Brad Leeper End-of-Year Giving Communication giving-communication-2007/ 10 Stewardship Issues Every Church Leader Should Consider in stewardship-issues-every-church-leader-should-consdier-in-2009/ Ten Generosity Issues Every Church Leader Should Consider in issues-every-church-leader-should-consider-in-2010 Ten Issues for
Suggested Reading Compensation Handbook for Church Staff by Richard Hammar. 2012 Large Church Salary Report Research Trends from Leadership Network _salary_report_research_trends_from_leadership_networ k The Church Salary Survey by the National Association of Church Business Administrators.
Assignments Pick a minimum: 3 for a B 5 for an A Assignments are due 5 months after the class begins
Assignments 1.Review the salary guides of 4-10 other churches and create/review the staffing pay grid for your church. 2.Review the HR policies of 3-5 other churches & critique your church’s policy. Consult a regional HR professional on the relevance of your policy. 3.Analyze your FLSA compliance and present the positive/negative results. Consult an attorney about your compliance. 4.Analyze your steps in hiring. Develop/enhance your preferred hiring path. Define your 10-steps in hiring. 5.Analyze your steps in terminations. Define the difference between pastors and non-pastors. Develop/enhance your preferred hiring path. 6.Write an article on one aspect of what you have learned, 1,000- 1,500 words. You can focus on issues in your own church or life, or from another ministry. XPastor might publish your article. This assignment counts double. 7.With permission of the professor, create your own assignment.
Brad Leeper Brad is the President and Principal of Generis. He brings a wealth of experience--a Masters in Theology from Dallas Seminary, professional certifications in church risk management and human resources, former Campus Crusade staff member and Campus Director for Campus Crusade for Christ and elder in his own 4,000-member home church, Perimeter Church in Atlanta. Based on experience and affinity, Brad is drawn to innovative, growing churches and the challenges of helping them expand practically and spiritually. As President and Principal of Generis, he is well served by his experience as a consultant to churches across the nation, a staff leader in resource development for local ministries. Brad's unique approach allows him to serve larger churches and to coach pioneering into larger capital campaigns.
Q & A Send Questions via Chat Bring issues relevant to the required reading and your own hiring context