Persuasion Social Psychology
Persuasion The direct attempt to influence or change other people’s attitudes
Persuasion Elaboration likelihood model- a model suggesting that attitudes can change through evaluation of the content of a persuasive message (central route) or by irrelevant persuasion cues (peripheral routes)
Persuasion Central route of persuasion- the listener focuses on the content of the product. Uses evidence & logical arguments
Elaboration Likelihood Model Buying a Car--Focusing on the Central Route of Persuasion Salesman: “how can I help you?” Buyer: “I am interested in this Dodge Charger. What kind of gas mileage does it get?” Salesman: “Great mileage! Let me show you a picture of my family.” Buyer: “Nice picture, but I am more interested in what kind of an engine and turn ratio does this car have?” Salesman: “The best car in the world when it comes to hemi power.”
Persuasion Peripheral route of persuasion- the listener focuses on the tone of person’s voice, their excitement- indirect; tries to link person/product/idea with something positive or negative
Elaboration Likelihood Model Buying a Car Focusing on the Peripheral Route of Persuasion Salesman: “How can I help you?” Buyer: “I am interested in this Dodge Charger.” Salesman: “Do you have any kids?” Buyer: “No” Salesman: “I will tell you, this car attracts the women!!!” Buyer: “Really?” Salesman: “I love this car, it will turn back the aging process 20 years.” Buyer: “Really?” Salesman: (High fives the buyer) “you are meant to drive this car!!!!!!”
Changing Attitudes with Persuasion Social Psychology
What affects the persuasiveness of an argument? The Communicator (source) Credibility Expertise Physical attractiveness Similar to audience in age, ethnicity, etc.
What affects the persuasiveness of an argument? The Message Repeated exposure Clear, convincing, logical Central route Emotional appeals Based on a strong emotion, not logic Especially fear Peripheral Route
Emotional Appeals
What affects the persuasiveness of an argument? The Medium (how?) TV most widespread Face-to-face very effective, esp. in politics
What affects the persuasiveness of an argument? The Audience Attitude change more likely when new attitude isn’t too different Openness to change is related to age & education Audience should find message personally important