BIRTH-6 YEARS Teach Parents Fundamentals of Praying with their Children Marriage Enrichment Courses Early Parenting Courses Infant Baptism Course
Catechesis for Parents Marriage Enrichment Courses Family First Time Management Parenting Courses PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN
TEENAGE YEARS (13-19) Catechesis for Parents Parental Courses / Seminars Time Management for Teens Youth Groups or Youth Catechesis TOB for Teens & Parents
YOUNG ADULTS (20-35) Discernment Vocation Search & Living Young Adult Group FTFF as a single at home, in the parish / archdiocese Bible Courses Marriage Preparation Course
SINGLE MATURE ADULTS (35-55) Single Prayer Groups Encourage to Join Ministries Single Parents Support Group Bible Courses Marriage Preparation Course Form/Join Spiritual and/or Social Groups
MARRIED COUPLES Married Couples Mentor Programme Parenting with Grace Family Retreats Marriage Enrichment courses e.g. Marriage Retorno, ME, CEP Marriage Seminars Building Joy Filled Marriages
SENIOR ADULTS & ELDERLY (55-999) Health Seminars Grandparenting with Grace Marriage Retorno Bereavement Ministry Marriage Enrichment Courses Building Joy Filled Marriages Bible Courses Marriage Seminars
POPE FRANCIS: The world “needs good and strong families” to overcome threats of poverty, materialism, destructive lifestyles…. We need holy and loving families to protect the beauty and truth of the family in God’s plan. As Christians we are each called to make a home for Jesus. You make a home for him in your hearts, your families, your parishes and your communities. To hear and accept God’s call, to make a home for Jesus, you must be able to rest in the Lord - you must make time each day for prayer. Philippines, 16 January
POPE FRANCIS: Resting in prayer is especially important for families. It is in the family that we first learn how to pray. If we do not pray, we will not know the most important thing of all: God’s will for us. In the family we learn how to love, to forgive, to be generous and open, not closed and selfish. We learn to move beyond our own needs, to encounter others and share our lives with them. That is why it is so important to pray as a family! That is why families are so important in God’s plan for the Church! Philippines, 16 January
FLGs – a must-have in every parish!