September 23–25, 2011
On September 20, 2011, the Palestinian Authority will approach the United Nations General Assembly and will unilaterally insist on UN recognition of a Palestinian state.
What’s at Stake?
The Jewish People and Israel The Palestinians refuse to recognize that the Jewish people have a right to their national homeland, the state of Israel.
Jerusalem The Palestinians are calling for a return to the pre-1967 borders, including East Jerusalem as the Palestinian Capital.
SECURITY Green Light toTERROR Hamas has been classified as a terrorist organization by: The United States The European Union Canada Israel
SECURITY Green Light toTERROR Premature recognition means recognition of terrorists!
The reconciliation between Fatah and the terrorist organization Hamas, would mean a de-facto recognition of the brutal Hamas terrorist regime. SECURITY Green Light toTERROR
SECURITY Green Light toTERROR Hamas continues to call for the destruction of Israel.
A Unilateral Declaration will intensify rather than end the conflict by not settling any of the key permanent status issues including: Recognition of Israel as a Jewish state Borders Refugees
Leaving these issues unresolved would add fuel to the already fiery conflict, rewarding unilateralism, rejectionism and terrorism. REAL PEACE
A unilateral declaration of Palestinian statehood undermines internationally accepted frameworks for Mid-east peace, which call for a mutually-negotiated and agreed-resolution of the conflict. IS IT LEGAL?
“The Palestinian Authority will never recognize Israel as the Jewish state.” SAEB EREKAT Chief Palestinian Negotiator October 13, 2010
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ISRAELI-ARAB WARS Zechariah 12:6 In that day will I make the governors [not kings] of Judah like an hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf; and they shall devour all the people round about, on the right hand and on the left: and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Jerusalem. Zechariah 12:3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden them selves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.
ARAB ISRAELI WAR OF 1948 One half million against 40 Million As soon as Israel proclaimed its independence, it was attacked by Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. Roughly half a million Jews in Israel were surrounded by over 40 million Arabs who were determined to drive the Jews into the sea. Between February 24 to July 20, 1949, several unsuccessful Arab invasions of Israel occurred. All Arab forces were defeated. Ceasefire agreements were signed with each Arab state—although no peace agreement or guarantee of peace was included. By this victory at the dawn of its birth, Israel acquired two-thirds more territory than it was granted by UN resolution of November 29, East Jerusalem however remained under Jordan control.
Israel Pre-1967
Israel’s Pre-1967 Borders